Example sentences of "[no cls] [coord] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A and we tended to not bother going back to the client , but giving what we thought he needed , that was the culture of the regional civil engineer ,
2 And so i i it 's the four organizations together , a and they have in fact come together in order to , to be able to put larger orders , and to pay in advance , so that people are able to budget .
3 Three a year which was very nice and er oh well whilst I was there , you see , erm I landed up in , in Peel because I was going on a and she said to me one day this Miss er what are you doing today ?
4 In London , the pound gave up early gains to end unchanged at DM3.0335 and it closed at $1.6080 , 0.22 cents weaker .
5 erm er and one wonders after all the training where the future jobs are gon na come
6 The , erm , we 've had erm covered an enormous amount of ground erm so erm and the other people I 'd like to thank cos I think we have established an extremely good relationship with the Hertfordshire er and everybody comments throughout the country that what a good relationship Hertfordshire has .
7 Er and we came with a very strong view I thought certainly to conclusion and I did that er , that those things need strengthening and must be a in taking part of any further distraction er at Heathrow .
8 We went into er and we went into Carmella 's .
9 Er and we lived above the shop then .
10 Er and we found at that earlier stage , they acted largely independently .
11 Put the carpets , put everything in and er and we paid for it and they still go ad now course the national union 's taken it over but when we joined the national union there were two things that er I stipulated before we 'd join .
12 And our mams used to have skipping ropes you know one sat on the chair on one pavement the other one on pavement on the other side , turning a rope er and we skipped for hours there , with our mams turning the ropes for us .
13 Er and they thought of , I mean they thought the world of their their animals and but
14 The F T Associates which is er includes the Economist in Spain was up a lot and Westminster Press was er was down , but of course Westminster Press took a major redundancy charge , they were also bringing on a new plant at Brighton and therefore running two plants simultaneously which is very costly er and they launched on Sunday .
15 so , if , if , if they 're all four of them coming er and she says about going in for a meal I shall say oh well if you feel like it go and do that then and come for your tea I mean it 's just putting them round table is n't it ?
16 Er and she said I 'll ring you ag I said oh dear someone now coming to the door , she said , never mind I 'll ring you on Saturday , so I said alright and er and she lives at Wyndham , Norfolk , my husband 's niece and erm , you see , and then there 's the other one and she said , auntie you 're always so cheerful , I said , well I try to be cheerful because like everybody else I get a little depressed sometimes because , you see , I have no sisters and brothers , I have three elderly cousins who live away and who I , who I see , one was here a fortnight ago er er er my cousin and his wife er , you see , it will be on a Wednesday , a fortnight today , no Thursday , yes , you see , a fortnight ago and they said , we 'll come again an we 've always bought you a bunch of daffodils so we shall come again when the daffodils are and er and they bring me over bits and pieces because er she was a cook and they bring me something nice to eat
17 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
18 Er I 'd always wanted to act even as a kid of fifteen sixteen er and I got into singing before I went into acting and so acting s see that seemed to be a good period to break my life and start again .
19 I wanted to go to Scotland and I remember I came to say goodbye to my parents and that was in the evening and I went by train to Liverpool Street and it was pouring with rain and I had to make my way , I had a taxi across to Euston , you see , and er and I went up th the left side of the country , see , past Carlisle and and then across and across and then and to Greenock er er to Dunoon , you see .
20 and er and I said to Laura , ah I know , I 'll put so I 'll , I 'll , I 'll put something on the big screen so you know , some videos whatever .
21 Er this week 's production sheet er and I wonder of Ian could bear in mind that he should try and keep an extra ten tonne when he 's looking at his reserves here just in case
22 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
23 And er and I think with Maggie and Eric , you know , er Maggie 's perception of a Scottish , you know .
24 I 'd have to , I 'd have to erm I 'd have to raise it er and I think to be quite honest the er I mean fortunately as I said earlier on Mr chairman there is a Regional Liaison Group meeting on , on Monday er and I have a captive audience of three budget holders , Doug Gill and Phil , erm and raise this with them .
25 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
26 And I , er and I pretended to be incapable and I , and said I would like someone to go and help me do shopping , home health service would have , come along .
27 I want to make a limited point at this juncture , I reserve the right to come back later on , and it 's become three points as a result of the discussion we 've already had , my view on the contribution of the of the greenbelt to the York issue is n't just the setting of the city , it 's the character of the city , and that would include the central city and the historic city , and the need to limit the physical expansion and size of the urban area because of the implications inside the historic city , and that would certainly apply to other cities with greenbelts that I 'm familiar with like York , like er Oxford , which the character suffers from expansion , possibly excessive , Norwich , that considered a greenbelt , and London , if you like that did n't get its greenbelt until we had the character rather drastically altered , so I think it is n't just the setting and how you see the city from the ring road , it 's actually what happens inside the core , the second point I want to make is really for clarification perhaps , er and it relates to the question of allocations between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , as I understand it all those allocations are already er included in the Ryedale local plan , and are already therefore included in the commitments that we looked at in Ryedale , I do n't think there is a further reserve of spare opportunities that might be used either before or after two thousand and six , that 's certainly my understanding and if anybody was was taking a different view I think that should be clear , and now I come to the one point that I was actually going to raise , erm I think it 's important that in this discussion of the relations between York city and Greater York , that we get a , early on , a clear view of what the requirements are in York , not just its capacity which we 've discussed so far , and a figure of three thousand three hundred seems to be a fairly common currency , but its requirements , and I want to address a particular question to the County Council , which is in my proof , so they 've had as it were four weeks notice of it .
28 Right , so if it gives of If you heat it in er and it gives of carbon dioxide , have a guess at what it is that we 're heating ?
29 Er er and it seems to me that the court should n't be clogged up with cases like this .
30 And Lincoln was criticized , attacked for this , that er and he said in response to this the attention of the country has been called to the proposition that one who is sworn as the constitution says to take care that the laws be faithfully executed should himself not violate those laws a fairly reasonable proposition you might think , if your oath says to uphold the law then you start going round breaking the law er something wrong here somewhere methinks .
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