Example sentences of "[no cls] [pers pn] 've [been] to " in BNC.

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1 Whereas er I 've been to a meeting where , you know well , will you come and speak ?
2 Well I , obviously want to try and attend meetings if and when possible , er I 've been to one last week , which basically was er because I do n't feel I 'm qualified to get up and David got up and spoke very well actually , he was always , at the police not neighbourhood watch , er to do with the cascade telephone system which we found out afterwards , after a three quarters hour debate a man came up to Dave afterwards and showed him a memo which said this cascade system has now ceased in November nineteen ninety-two and that was the the abuse on that particular meeting .
3 really s I 've been to dental hygiene cos I thought
4 They have many caring initiatives and erm they 've been to York and they 've erm had marriage seminars er and they do an hel help with parenting er I just wonder if I could give the address of this so if anyone is interested
5 Mum whe I 've been to some before and they 've had the erm
6 But i we 've been to I do n't give a damn what you 've And er of cour naturally enough you see .
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