Example sentences of "[no cls] [unc] as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right , if we do n't do it that way how will we pass that information , which a a as I understand it you want passed to the form tutor ?
2 A a as I say er i it takes a bit of getting used to when you 're just making a meal for yourself , you know what I mean you 're you 're that used to carry 'em about and picking after 'em and
3 A a as I say it do it does go quickly when you you know , work , as I say , you got the dogs in the morning , the dogs in the evening and you got to feed them and
4 She really has this er attitude which I can not understand because erm a a as I think it was Al Reeve said , you know , erm some people ca n't bear children , we ca n't , but we like them but if you have actually borne children , you are in other words a mother , you 've got ta have a attitude , not only to children in general but to your children in particular , which is very very difficult for er a male to understand and a non-father , it 's gon na be very very difficult cos I personally do n't have any children at all and therefore it is very very difficult for me to even comprehend but given that I can erm I can sympathize with something I do not comprehend it must be monumentally difficult for her
5 Frankie give me a b g er as I get stuff I 'll bring it in to you , alright ?
6 Well er er as I observe the authorisation card is of general interest to us but it 's not the sort of thing you 're going to produce to a member of the public .
7 Well I think that er er as I said previously , that erm the engineering industry erm for many years , er was under the influence of national wage negotiations .
8 and what we 've got to do is er er as I said to Ed a little while ago , I mentioned a little while ago , we need to gather the other thin section
9 I 'm not bothered Kath because er er as I look at it it 's more for me to put in front of him when I get to him
10 Er I as I recollect it , that was largely the view the the Secretary of State took when he when he approved the plan and indeed there is a relationship between most of the policies .
11 You did n't consider that , you er i As I say you 'd go out in the morning .
12 Yes , the the erm A as I 've just explained , the the appeal site on that occasion was the the smaller enclosure ,
13 Therapies and , no erm erm as I recollect er ah !
14 That 's the team of management that I , together with one or two others , built up from scratch at the beginning of the Liberal Democrats , and we now in Stockport have a highly successful erm m As I say , tier of management for training , for campaigning , for policy development in Stockport , and as you probably know we do have a good record of winning local council seats .
15 Later I turned and walloped back towards Berlin , by way of Magdeburg , with just the one tweak of the Tardis en route as I saw the signs for Potsdam .
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