Example sentences of "[no cls] [pron] was [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 I wa I was talking to erm Mr the other day and he was saying that when he started at the Co-op it was a , a very , very good place to work .
2 And Carl sa I was speaking to Carl today and he said , well surely , you know the three of them have weighed that up ?
3 Have you li I was listening to the wireless this afternoon
4 Do n't talk to it because it ma it sounds stu I was listening to us this morning .
5 I have n't seen him for e he was coming to the shop now and again , so he was .
6 Er I was talking to you before !
7 But er I was saying to Mrs the other day , asked about Scott what the heck !
8 Th do you remember er who was going to , oh I do n't it was the store that Robin made .
9 Because you know both parties were there to make sure that er there was going to be a mutual agreement or it may in some instances be referred back to domestic level for resolution , or alternately , the employers just said , no and that , that was the end of it at that stage .
10 Er there was going to be water in the bottom at one stage but that
11 I had erm I was going to be representative of this committee at a erm safety seminar for three days at the beginning of this week that I was n't able to go to , and Councillor Kurtz has very kindly gone in my place , which is why she is not able to come to this meeting .
12 Just build up of , erm I was talking to our Tom about nosebleeds , Alan was saying that his father used to be a lot like David and he used to get terrible headaches and it used to end up in a really bad nosebleed and he started giving blood regular and it stopped it .
13 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
14 Oh and something else I heard yeah and this does n't get anywhere cos Lucy erm told me and did n't tell anyone but erm she was talking to Tom about erm Laura and Dave and apparently s while George and erm Dave were going out they actually planned they were gon na get back together .
15 I c I was going to and then erm me and Roxy have got to do our French oral .
16 And er there was the er the kids from his erm he w he was going to school when he died and er there was children from his class walking along cos they we they used to walk to the cemeteries then and carrying a wreath of er flowers , I remember it as if it was yesterday .
17 Er i it was insulting to you and I apologize for that .
18 Well we we I was saying to dad , I mean , this one that we were going to get was three sixty .
19 That 's , I was , I was , I was listen I was listening to Neil Kinnock
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