Example sentences of "be his duty " in BNC.

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1 After he had rung off Lewis considered informing the police , he thought this might be his duty , but on the other hand he did not want the police actually to be there when Adam arrived .
2 Surely it must be his duty to call in the next day or so on Paul Berowne 's wife and his family .
3 S.B. agreed that if that was indeed the case it would be his duty to take part in it .
4 But it was useless appealing to a man who always did what he believed to be his duty , however unpleasant it was .
5 If we must only think " if " he met some accident while trying to investigate something he did n't like on one of the ships , he will have died while doing what he felt to be his duty , " I said .
6 Lieutenants Makepeace and Harvey would always be his duty officers , thought Charlie as he made his way back across the parade ground in the direction of the company offices .
7 Edith Sitwell had wanted to sue a reviewer because his notice was likely to hurt the sales of her book — and we thought it had merely been his duty to his readers to discourage them from buying a book that he thought bad .
8 Jed would have been at the party if it had not been his duty evening with the Safeguards .
9 Bogie , the beer-bellied proprietor , says he feels it 's his duty to stay open .
10 It 's his duty .
11 As a Muslim woman from Jhelum explained to me , in Islam a man can marry four times but according to Islam it is his duty to look after each of his wives and treat them honourably .
12 To hold the view that an officer must only tender advice when it is sought from him is entirely erroneous , for indeed it is his duty to tender advice when he thinks it should be given .
13 Indeed it is his duty , and his duty alone , to communicate with the departments of the government on all matters affecting the policy of the council .
14 It is his duty to be responsible for the safe custody of all the council 's books of record , documents and title and the common seal .
15 Indeed it is his duty on the one hand to die — yet on the other hand to live as long as he can , compatible with Chapter honour .
16 If a man shoots his dog because the animal is no longer capable of service , he does not fail in his duty to the dog , for the dog can not judge , but his act is inhuman and damages in himself that humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind … .
17 ( a ) Where the judge comes to the conclusion that the prosecution evidence , taken at its highest , is such that a jury properly directed could not properly convict upon it , it is his duty , upon a submission being made , to stop the case .
18 It has been said , on the one hand , that in this situation the bard is accountable to society , and is its spokesman ; on the other hand , that it is his duty to serve the past and present glory of the ruling class .
19 A child who does not understand the nature of an oath may give unsworn evidence if in the opinion of the court : ( i ) he understands that it is his duty to speak the truth ; and ( ii ) he has sufficient understanding to justify his evidence being heard ( s96(1) and ( 2 ) ) .
20 He believed it was his duty to speak out .
21 Only once had he let himself begrudge it , only once , that night , and never since , for he knew it was his duty and his right to stay at home with her .
22 On these occasions the warden was informed of the number and kind of game they were to take , and it was his duty to keep a check on the number of deer taken , and to inform the king .
23 With the situation now rapidly approaching a critical point , on April 13th. , Richard Baxter decided it was his duty to go to London and throw the weight of his own influence behind moves for the restoration of Charles II to the throne of England .
24 Hardy firmly believed that it was his duty to face up to the unpleasant aspects of life , if by so doing he could show sympathy with his fellow man and , perhaps , after all , offer hope for improvement in the future .
25 By then James had , somewhat unwillingly , been persuaded by Mar and a few of his leading supporters that it was his duty to preserve the dynasty by making his escape .
26 When she 'd been selected , and automatically compelled to leave the Navy , taking an appointment at a civilian hospital , he 'd told himself that it was his duty to visit her to see that she was settled in … not lonely .
27 He told them that he was answerable to Parliament alone when he made decisions and that it was his duty to take into account the wider interests of the public .
28 Sir Thomas remonstrated with him , as was his duty , reminding him of his high calling and how he will be required , in accordance with royal custom , to make a match advantageous to the realm — that is to say with a foreign princess . ’
29 Sandys persuaded his father , the Archbishop of York , that Hooker 's scholarship was being wasted as a country parson , and in 1585 he was appointed as Master of the Temple , in London , where it was his duty to minister to the lawyers of the Inns of Court .
30 In the first place it was his duty to preserve intact the lands and rights entrusted to his care .
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