Example sentences of "be [pos pn] favourite " in BNC.

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1 Examples 1 , 2 and 3 are my favourite arrangements of the A pentatonic major .
2 They are my favourite people .
3 I was quite touched — they are my favourite breed , ’ said Ken , who named his dog Rhia .
4 You are my favourite person in the whole world .
5 MICHAEL Parkinson has never been my favourite TV presenter — I 've always found his brusque , man-of-the-people style somewhat contrived .
6 ‘ This has always been my favourite room , ’ says Mary Jane , ‘ and it 's turned out to be a perfect playroom for Emily and her friends .
7 No wonder she 's always been my favourite cousin .
8 You get , I mean , Dave and Steve , alright , they 've never been my favourite people but all this pious goings-on with Dave , how much he hates the town clerk , and whatever opportunity he could get he would
9 Special cards are always appreciated at times like these — my grandmother says that cards are her favourite part of the proceedings .
10 ‘ Fearless ’ and ‘ courageous ’ are her favourite adjectives .
11 They would feel happier north of the river like everyone else ; Islington seems to have been their favourite suburb , and that was where they had moved to by the time the next child arrived , three years later .
12 He watches the ball game — ‘ I could n't miss the ( New York ) Giants ; they 're my favourite team , ’ he would say later — sleeps a few hours , then drives 250 miles to Toronto .
13 You 're my favourite TVS weathercaster of the early '80s , you know .
14 They 're my favourite flowers . ’
15 ‘ Here is Mr Bailey 's version : ‘ Oh Marjie , we always read your column Marjie , For Forty years , you 're our favourite Agony Aunt , You 've given thousands good advice , that 's what we want , Oh Marjie , long may your column greet our eyes each waking day , Count your job a task well done , now go out and have some fun .
16 I 'm still pondering it , but this could be my favourite movie of 1992 .
17 And she knew it would always be her favourite flower .
18 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
19 She was big and busty and wore the sort of extravagant ‘ gowns ’ favoured by La Cogan in her prime , and now only to be glimpsed on BBC1 's ‘ Come Dancing ’ which Grunte proclaimed to be his favourite programme .
20 I should like to make two points , the first of which I shall put into italics , since this seems to be your favourite mode of utterance .
21 ‘ He may not be your favourite person at the moment , but Adam did invite me and it is his home that I would be wandering about in . ’
22 He introduced the jolly , gap-toothed Scouser by saying : ‘ He always has been and always will be your favourite funny man . ’
23 He introduced the jolly , gap-toothed Scouser by saying : ‘ He always has been and always will be your favourite funny man . ’
24 He introduced the jolly , gap-toothed Scouser by saying : ‘ He always has been and always will be your favourite funny man . ’
25 No , I 'm not , Philippa , I 'm your favourite breed .
26 ‘ I do n't think I 'm our favourite guard detail commander , right now . ’
27 It must be our favourite song at the time and ‘ Once More ’ was , but in retrospect , it is probably my least favourite single .
28 Stravinsky had for some years been his favourite composer , and he had worked with Hanns on ideas for the setting and costumes .
29 The Last of the Mohicans had been his favourite book at the time ; he had insisted on being Hawkeye and Tim Skerritt on being the treacherous Indian , Magua .
30 ‘ Jimi was my favourite singer , besides being my favourite guitarist .
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