Example sentences of "be [noun prp] himself " in BNC.

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1 To be sure you are Lucifer himself in the shape of my master or you could not use me thus , and I beg you 'll send me out of my way to my poor parents .
2 It could have been Darwin himself who introduced Dr Benjamin Bynoe , the Beagle 's surgeon , to Gould .
3 This is not a very convincing solution , since most readers do n't feel that this a dramatic monologue , and take the ‘ I ’ of the poem to be Wordsworth himself .
4 In other words he wished to be God himself , and not a creature .
5 Both Kubla and the Abyssinian maid are human creations so in a sense they are God — but Coleridge 's hubris in wanting to be God himself is doomed to failure .
6 It had been Lewis himself who a few minutes earlier had taken the call from the Met .
7 The primitive sound of it stirred something deep inside me as though it were Pan himself , not some Indian labourer , playing those haunting notes on that rude instrument .
8 The survivors were Nietzsche himself and a younger sister .
9 Other possible candidates were Kaifu himself , Kiichi Miyazawa , a former Finance Minister and leader of the third-largest faction , and Michio Wanatabe , leader of the faction formerly headed by Nakasone .
10 If you do , I can assure you we shall be in your debt and we shall play for you as though you were Mahler himself . ’
11 ‘ Saddest disappointment is Branagh himself ( who ) proves a curiously anodyne screen presence .
12 But is Duart himself absent ?
13 ‘ It 's Wilder himself who has got under her skin , ’ Silas commented drily .
14 Christian is Bunyan himself , leaving his wife and children , as he had done when he went to prison , to undertake the pilgrimage to everlasting life : the imagery is taken not only from the Bible but from the chapbooks and folktales which were sold by travelling hawkers in the Bedfordshire villages at the time .
15 The most important figure in the latter group is Bunting himself , so little read these days that many readers will need to be told that the title of Davie 's history refers to his masterpiece Briggflatts ( 1966 ) .
16 The elderly admirer is Nestor himself in a false beard and Irma , who is clearly short sighted as well as dim and really nice , hardly notices the difference .
17 The only person who knows about the paintings is Durance himself and he will dismiss Barbara 's story as unfounded speculation . ’
18 Once again it is Goody himself who points out the counter arguments , although , again , he proceeds to ignore them .
19 It would appear to be an astonishingly generous offer to the game in this country , given that the only person who stands to lose out of such a venture is Lloyd himself .
20 For Christians there is only one primordial and basic sacrament , and that is Christ himself .
21 The only real teacher of Prayer is God Himself .
22 ( What is there is God himself .
23 Now the one thing truly blessed is God himself .
24 Because the object of contemplation is God himself , who opens to us the infinite possibilities of himself and of our own lives .
25 This time , it is God himself who descends from his empyrea .
26 Second , it is God himself who not only speaks but also hears that ‘ No ’ in the person of the one man who does not deserve to hear it , the righteous one who stands in the place of the unrighteous .
27 What is surprising is the disclosure that the source of Balaam 's knowledge is God himself .
28 'T IS God Himself who speaks , not I !
29 It is Morrissey himself who is being warped , twisted and cheated by the media .
30 MacGregor , representing Norfolk South , is part of what is known as the East Anglian mafia , whose most influential member is Major himself .
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