Example sentences of "be [adj] victim " in BNC.

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1 When we come across a victim then , we should never attempt to solve their problems for them , since this only reinforces the idea that they are helpless victims of circumstance , with no strengths and resources of their own ; it disempowers them still further .
2 Life now may be better for some women , but there are still plenty who are helpless victims
3 Whatever happens to the new wealth there are clear victims and irrevocable damage .
4 It is thought that sudden exposure to intense sunlight is a trigger to melanoma , and young office workers are typical victims .
5 The ill-informed and uninvolved are easy victims to simplistic solutions .
6 Major wetlands are obvious victims of drainage .
7 Murderers , rapists and muggers are innocent victims of society , their parents and traumatic early experience .
8 Some of these are unconscious victims .
9 They say they have been innocent victims in a crime for which the law says they must also be punished .
10 When police arrived they found two Englishmen who seemed to be shocked victims of an armed hold-up , said James Curtis , prosecuting .
11 As it there could be other victims out there who never got up the courage to come forward
12 They think this is the first time he 's attacked since January , but are worried that there may be other victims that have n't come forward .
13 Luciani is one of more than 100 prisoners highlighted in a report by the pressure group , Liberty , as being possible victims of miscarriages of injustice .
14 Both of them were easy victims : where she was slow and tongue-tied , he was short and physically weedy .
15 Once asleep they were easy victims .
16 Malos also said social workers needed to realise children were indirect victims of domestic violence : ‘ A lot of evidence is coming to light about the effects of domestic violence on children even if they are not the objects of the violence . ’
17 Out of his hearing there was much discussion of the rights and wrongs of the affair ; the general conclusion , held in typically absolute adolescent terms was that Murray and Richard were innocent victims , while Murray 's father and brother were villains .
18 Dot did n't like it when Mrs Parvis spoke in this way , as though they were dusty victims from under the rubble .
19 I supposed mainly that , instead of being passive victims of our own reality , we could , through utilising this technique , become masters of it .
20 That the consequence of this is that we can no longer take the view of females as being passive victims of male advances .
21 There are , however , cases which suggest that the Christian communities who were potential victims of the system did not always look upon devşirme as being wholly evil .
22 What some writers now term the ‘ widening gap ’ between the rich and the poor , both within countries and between the First and the Third Worlds , might tempt us to subscribe pessimistically to the view that the countries of the Third World are passive victims of the exercise of First World hegemon countries ' power .
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