Example sentences of "[am/are] always [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're always collecting for babies unit .
2 Because they do things like that at customs because they 're looking , they 're always looking for drugs and things that should n't come in .
3 " But we need bodies to practise on , " he grinned , " we 're always looking for volunteers . "
4 ‘ We 're always looking for people of the right calibre , although today , with the downturn in levels of activity , it 's harder to get into corporate finance than it was five years ago , ’ he warns .
5 erm we 're always looking for people to come along and have a go so if you wan na put your name down you can have a Saturday night and spin those wheels .
6 But it does give to some people that that will demonstrate that we 're always looking for people
7 Well , we 've got our cost reductions as an ongoing process er , so it 's never complete , you 're always looking for ways to , to become more efficient or effective but I do n't anticipate any redundancies er , any further redundancies but obviously if , if , if systems become available which improve our efficiency and effectiveness we , we have to take account of it .
8 they 're always shouting at people
9 Well I remember Jackie telling me , she came back from sh she came up to meet me in London one day and she came up with the woman , a German woman , who at that time was a buyer for Army and Navy er women 's fashions and this woman said that the model girls who are so thin she said they 're always bursting into tears and crying because they 're under such stress to keep their weight down and their boyfriends do n't like it because the girls are are lovely to have on their arms to take out , you know everybody sort of goggles , you know , lovely slim girl with yellow half way down her back etc. but , in fact , these girls get very , very ratty !
10 We 're always meaning to oil it .
11 As a sentencing judge you are always looking for options erm a variety of options to impose so that each individual sentence that you impose on a defendant is tailored to either the rehabilitation or the punishment ends of sentencing .
12 At The Royal Bank of Scotland we are always looking for ways to ensure that our customers achieve a good return from their savings , particularly now that interest rates are much lower .
13 However , that process is continually evolving and we are always looking for suggestions to aid its development .
14 erm My ears pricked up when Mr Waterhouse did in fact say , I though he said that it was n't necessarily help in monetary terms , but some of these people might be willing to help in kind , or in sort of helping as people with some voluntary organisations , and I think , if that was what he meant , I think there again that might be very useful , because voluntary organisations are always looking for people to help .
15 Local wildlife trusts are always looking for volunteers too .
16 ‘ We have a few big employers who are always asked for money , but they are suffering from donor fatigue , ’ says Paul Johnson , regional director for Business in the Community .
17 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
18 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
19 Other women in the narrative may not be friends , but are always constructed as rivals for male attention : ‘ She does not consider herself a beauty and this element is used to play off against the beauty of the other woman ( women ) … . ’
20 At the same time , they are always heard in relation to the basic framework or expected effect which lies behind them and which they are varying : they are substitutes for the ‘ correct ’ formulae ; they can thus excite but not disturb .
21 His parts are always notated in tenor clef and have a range of c to f' .
22 The amount of bone present in assemblages of prey , and the species representation , vary from predator to predator but are always biased with respect to the community from which they came .
23 There are also still about a hundred racing dinghies of the same class as Port and Starboard 's Flash : Yare and Bure one-designs which are always called after butterflies .
24 ‘ The dungeons at Tara are always filled with Humans .
25 On the other hand , even when there is a practically continuous , minimal level of activity throughout a season or year , semi-skilled and unskilled positions are always filled by casuals .
26 Much of our literature and culture stems from or relates to attempts to represent conceptions of town or country , conceptions that invariably contrast the one with the other ; town and country are always represented as opposites .
27 The stitches are always transferred from back to front , not side to side , so I have never encountered any problem with bias knitting .
28 The ships are always packed to capacity , with passengers clinging to the upper decks .
29 HAVING watched M. Desclaux 's performance at Cardiff I am not surprised that the French are always complaining about referees .
30 If your bills are always sailing through taxation as drawn , it may be that your draftsman is getting it spot on , but equally it may be because the bills are being constantly understated and therefore are found to be unobjectionable .
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