Example sentences of "be [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 You are most far away .
2 In markets having higher temperatures than the UK , the 37°C and 45°C conditions are less far removed from market conditions .
3 Oh , what pleasure would it be to me were there a good understanding between my mother and myself , when I am assured if I know my own heart , that I am so far from having any ill against her that I have almost undone myself to serve her …
4 Let me be buried in lead at Claydon next to where your father proposes to lie himself , and let no stranger wind me , nor do not let me be stripped , but put a clean smock on me , and let my face be hid and do you stay in the room and see me wound and laid in the first coffin , which must be of wood if I do not die of any infectious disease , else I am so far from desiring it that I forbid you to come near me .
5 Only 10,000 of the necessary terminals are so far installed in shops , though the target is 20,000 by the New Year and 100,000 by the end of next year .
6 Furthermore , it is argued , the needs and wants of a less developed country are so far in advance of that country 's productive capacity that it is useless to waste resources focusing on them .
7 They are so far away from us that only the poet can understand them .
8 ‘ We are so far behind I fear we shall never catch up , ’ he says , gloomily .
9 The aim is to exploit the plentiful resources of such fish as ling , saithe , tusk and blue whiting in the waters to the west of the Western Isles ( which are so far free from restrictions ) , and to export dried ‘ stockfish ’ to traditional markets in Europe and Africa .
10 Viewing figures are so far quite encouraging for those who favour televising ; it will be of great interest to see whether , in the long run , they rise or fall .
11 They are so far ahead of London it 's not true . ’
12 A less favourable note was added by Lady Fanshawe , who declared that the Cornish were , ‘ … hospitable to their neighbours , but they are of a crafty and censorious nature , as most are so far from London ’ .
13 They 've got two fire stations , but all the houses are so far away they never get there in time .
14 But these computers are so far untested .
15 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
16 Propositions , therefore , in which objects are referred to a class , because they possess the attributes constituting the class , are so far from asserting nothing but resemblance at all …
17 They are so far away from the market , even though Prague is geographically further west than Vienna ’ .
18 Many such countries are so far behind that even if their governments get their policies right — and , however much the recipients protest , aid donors must insist on that — their access to private capital will be limited .
19 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
20 These may all be worthy aims , but they are so far removed from the reality of most house officers ' experiences as to be laughable .
21 But the various approaches are so far rather fragmentary .
22 I do n't believe we are so far from the nomad as people in Europe believe .
23 Thank heavens they are so far away .
24 Certainly if they are so far changed as Gillespie suggests , I do n't have a problem with it .
25 In order to prove this , he needed to determine the distances to these other galaxies , which are so far away that , unlike nearby stars , they really do appear fixed .
26 Stars are so far away that they appear to us to be just pinpoints of light .
27 To find out about the process of parents and staff working ever more closely in school settings , a couple of ‘ snapshot ’ visits or requesting a brief report on ‘ how things are so far ’ is inadequate .
28 American banks , through the agency of loan officers like me , have made a number of questionable loans in countries whose balance of payments are so far in arrears that , according to Citicorp 's Walter Wriston , ‘ ability to repay ’ is no longer the main consideration .
29 Does he share my concern about some prisoners being put in prisons that are so far away from their families that it is a difficult and expensive business for the wives and chilldren — especially if there are young children — to travel half way round the country to see their fathers or relatives ?
30 Separation on Sephadex G50 revealed peaks compatible with progastrin and its C-terminal flanking peptide , and two other peaks that are so far unidentified .
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