Example sentences of "be [adj] reason " in BNC.

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1 If Philippe knew of — or even suspected — the existence of this story , this would have been adequate reason to abolish a powerful movement whose knowledge of it could give the descendants of the Merovingians excuse to usurp the throne , claiming direct lineage from Christ .
2 Had there been another reason ?
3 Then , wryly : ‘ There may have been another reason ; even as a young man I was a staid sort of chap and they were a bit wild at times .
4 it 's sort of in relation to it , there must of been some reason why he said that to take them to , hear more to other people
5 For police warrants , normal methods of investigation must have been tried and failed and there must have been good reason to believe that interception would result in a conviction .
6 There had been good reason to know that Labour could damage Unionist electoral prospects and the dangerous prospect of a class-based party system had been present in the Liberal-Labour alliance .
7 Even if there is no impairment in an individual 's ability to become aware of a hazard to safety , there may be some reason why he is prevented from taking the necessary avoiding action .
8 There had to be some reason why , some factor strong enough to outweigh all his obvious qualifications .
9 There 's got to be some reason we all drop dead in the end . ’
10 I said well there must be some reason ?
11 I mean yeah as you say he 's very high personable person , there must be some reason behind it er and a lot of the theoretical reasons that he says of
12 ‘ Maybe you 're pure and white as the driven snow , but you have to face the fact that there must be some reason why those men waylaid you .
13 in other words I 'm trying to work out why this is spiritual lives and not spiritual lives you know there must be some reason why
14 Cor there must be some reason for it of course , perhaps they 're not , not erm picking up or yes I could easily of bought erm a couple bottles of wine to make that
15 This may be another reason for the adverse effects on some people of foods grown by current commercial agricultural methods .
16 This fatalistic ageism can be another reason for failing to discuss the problems and difficulties of caring for ageing relatives as they arise — there is no point , for there is no possibility of change taking place .
17 Might there not be another reason ?
18 ( It may , occasionally be produced by a freelance team working outside the agency , and this may be another reason why you do not meet the creative group .
19 There must be another reason why you are so sad , ’ he said , looking kindly at me .
20 The former Labour Party leader , Michael Foot , suggests that there may be another reason :
21 There had to be another reason . ’
22 There must therefore be another reason for the Government 's proposals , and it was not honest or honourable of the Secretary of State to pretend otherwise .
23 Right , and there might be another reason as well .
24 Okay , and that could be another reason why international trade , erm , has , had declined relatively in agriculture .
25 If the operative part could properly be controlled by the recitals , I think there would be much reason to say that the only thing contemplated by the recitals was giving time for payment , without any relinquishment , on the part of the judgment creditor , of any portion of the amount recoverable ( whether for principal or for interest ) under the judgment .
26 if common sense had not been so uniquely transformed , then there would be little reason to formulate this new , specific concept of social representation .
27 Therefore there should be little reason for individuals to want additional insurance .
28 Never does it occur to him that there might be good reason to dispute his proposals .
29 Occasionally there are situations where two techniques can be used , and there may be good reason to apply both so that they provide supporting evidence for each other ( for example , see p. 134 for the use of TL and uranium series dating at Pontnewydd Cave ) .
30 Faith is ‘ a firm assent of the mind ’ , for which there should be good reason .
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