Example sentences of "[am/are] on the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well if you 're on the same bill as him , well could always just ask him .
2 We 're on the same pitch then , so we give them a game and that would apply in the Premier League . ’
3 ‘ We 're on the same side . ’
4 ‘ We 're on the same side .
5 You said we 're on the same side .
6 I think , though , ’ the Doctor said , eyes twinkling , ‘ we 'll be able to persuade them that you 're on the same side as the rest of us . ’
7 I 'm glad we 're on the same side .
8 We 're on the same side and you know and I know that some of the troops are gon na find that , I , my opinion is that some of the troops will find that hard going for eleven weeks unless they know exactly what the hell they 're supposed to be doing in
9 We 're on the same side , that 's what I 've just said !
10 Easter Monday saw both Leaders Of The New School and the Pete Rock & CL Smooth partnership playing debut UK gigs at different London venues , a situation made all the more frustrating when they 're on the same label .
11 ‘ But I see you 're on the same errand as myself . ’
12 Keeping a foot in both camps is made easier because the bid committee 's offices are on the same floor as his own at Manchester Theatres Ltd .
13 Or C , take it as a real compliment and you are on the same wavelength ?
14 His recording of Giulio Cesare has recently shown that he can succeed when his singers are on the same level as his musical ideas .
15 A best fit occurs when all three factors are on the same level in the spectrum , though this is rare in practice .
16 If boiler and hot water cylinder are on the same level , a pump has to be installed into the system .
17 In Figure 4.15 , the fact that LECTURER is placed to the left of SUBJECT , even though they are on the same level , means that the former will be processed first in any search .
18 LIFESPAN will assume that all the workspaces and the process directory are on the same device ( ie. |DEVICE| ) , but you can over-rule this by using a system-wide logical name .
19 Their objections are on the same basis as ours — it is dangerous to have no independent screen between the state and the defendant in the Crown Courts .
20 Although all the pawns are on the same side of the board , which increases the effectiveness of Karpov 's knight , his king is on the back rank and Short 's king is poised to advance .
21 Make sure that these extensions are on the same side of the spar .
22 Suppose you have a scene in which two characters are holding a conversation , and you are covering it in separate close-ups which cut from one to the other : these shots should both be taken from camera positions which are on the same side of an imaginary line connecting the two characters together .
23 They are on the same side .
24 If navigation is correct , Fluted Hole , pillar Holes and Long Kin West Pot are on the same line of approach with smaller holes intruding nearby .
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