Example sentences of "[am/are] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The return system , we , we say to the girls they must come back but they 're to be incorporated within the round .
2 So with those erm policy points and those questions about the ab ability of migrants to outbid locals , and the ac housing access issue , I would erm suggest that if they 're to be accepted by the panel , then more information is .
3 The arches will never be seen in their original form again ; To preserve them against the increased exposure to the elements which lowering the water level will bring , they 're to be sprayed with a fine layer of protective concrete , leaving no visible sign of their remarkable survival .
4 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
5 They 're to be kept in my library .
6 ‘ We 're to be married in two weeks ’ time , ’ Alyssia informed her , settling into one of the chairs with Piers 's arm protectively resting behind her shoulders .
7 They 're to be married in May in Dingle . ’
8 They 're to be married in the small church that Christian built , next to my cottage . ’
9 There 's work in plenty if we 're to be finished on time .
10 Do I take it that I 'm to be redeemed from that particular fate ?
11 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
12 BELVILLE : So I am to be exposed in my house by such a sauce-box as you .
13 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
14 I am to be dominated by the truth because I have been made a Christian by the operation of the Holy Spirit within .
15 Basically Tests are to be done as worksheets in the classroom just as any other worksheet and would be done , to see if a child has understood the work taught .
16 In fact , pursuant to r 6.80 , no resolutions can be taken at the meeting of creditors other than : ( i ) a resolution to appoint a named insolvency practitioner to be trustee or two or more insolvency practitioners as joint trustees ; ( ii ) a resolution to establish a creditors ' committee ; ( iii ) ( unless a creditors ' committee has been established ) a resolution specifying the terms of the trustee 's remuneration or to defer consideration of that matter ; ( iv ) if two or more trustees are appointed , a resolution specifying whether acts are to be done by both or all of them , or by only one ; ( v ) a resolution adjourning the meeting for not more than three weeks ; and ( vi ) any other resolutions which the chairman thinks it right to allow for special reasons .
17 Regular faces that greet you in the banks , shops and offices in Funchal are to be seen on the eight-kilometre long beach of white sand .
18 Robed choirs are in decline in New Zealand , although smartly dressed secular choirs are to be seen on television .
19 Some of these artifacts are to be seen at Henley Town Hall .
20 They are to be seen at Di Meo until mid-March and until 20 March together with the paintings of Christian Henry in the Salle Saint-Jean of the Hotel de Ville .
21 Art and sights straight out of the history books are to be seen at every turn , yet now these are modern cities too , alive with their own 20th century energy and enthusiasm .
22 Counterparts of other types of crystal defect may also be found in a ‘ convection lattice ’ ; dislocations are to be seen at P and Q in Fig. 22.2 .
23 They feel , for example , that St Paul 's restrictions on women 's activities — in the early Christian communities to whom he was writing — are to be seen as regulations applying in all situations in the Church for all time .
24 Towers are to be seen as single scouts or in pairs in Perugia and Bologna ; but these are isolated survivors ; many an Italian city was once adorned with innumerable towers .
25 In this view , teaching materials are to be seen as hypothetical constructs , models or exemplars of abstract principles from which actual instances of pedagogic activities might be developed in the light of particular classroom conditions .
26 Rather than being regarded as actors who make their own history , individuals are to be seen as the ‘ supports ’ of social practices who maintain and reproduce them .
27 His actions then ( in this case in calling the twelve ) did not simply relate to his immediate Jewish context , but are to be seen as a considered action undertaken in relation to his having founded the church .
28 Like so many journalists , I am very Opinionated , hopefully in private only — even about my own profession , journalism If we are to be seen as an independent , unbiased and creditable observer , should we really be in the political arena with our trade union the NUJ ?
29 But , in so far as they are to be seen as sons of the lost primal mother , they clearly represent the manic alternative to the depressive self-punishment of the followers of Cybele or the castrated and killed sons of the Great Mother represented by Attis and Tammuz , by the dead and dismembered Osiris , or the crucified Christ .
30 Its new pesticide proposals are regarded as the strictest in the world : " organic " and " biodynamic " farmers are to be seen as pioneers pointing to new chemical-free techniques for the rest of the agricultural community .
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