Example sentences of "[am/are] still [v-ing] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're still coming to terms with it .
2 Professionals and local authority employees are still moving to jobs in one of the most sought-after parts of Britain , but the blockbuster moves — 600 in the Lloyds retail banking arm into the Bristol area in 1989-91 , and 100 British Aerospace workers into the Plymouth region recently — are probably over for the immediate future .
3 ‘ Richard Arnold , the Blackbury-based chairman of the Arnco Group , said in Florida today ’ , ’ she said , ‘ ‘ that scientists are still trying to r … r … regain control of Arnsat 1 , the multi-million pound com … communications sat … ellite — ’ ’
4 The Rugby League are still talking to sponsors and an announcement is expected on Thursday .
5 The holiday was particularly useful for children who are still coming to terms with their conditions and may have been robbed of their self-confidence .
6 Woking , who knocked out West Brom two seasons ago , are still coming to terms with their first season in the Conference , but their Cup-fighting instincts are sure to resurface for their trip to Brighton .
7 Perhaps the teenage scribblers — not to mention the longer-in-the-tooth City commentators who helped to orchestrate last year 's departure of Robert Horton as BP 's chairman and chief executive — are still coming to terms with Financial Reporting Standard No 3 , the new format recommended by the Stock Exchange for presenting details of financial performance .
8 Staff are still coming to terms with the decision to close the main part of the Junction factory within two years , making 100 workers redundant .
9 Some three weeks later they are still responding to queries and will continue to send out packs .
10 Oh his very calm , very calm , and I 'm still going to work , I did n't go to work while , I went too work while he was in hospital , and when he first came out .
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