Example sentences of "the minister say " in BNC.

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1 The minister says he feels humiliated by the lynchings , which he attributes to the ‘ absence of government ’ in many areas .
2 Long pause , then the minister says : ‘ Nevertheless , Miss Jeannie MacPherson will now sing ‘ The Flowers of the Forest ’ . ’
3 The minister says there is no record of this communication .
4 ‘ I hope it wo n't be too long , ’ the minister says , ‘ before every single service will be operated by the private sector .
5 On the basis of what the Minister says , we will learn whether the Government 's thinking has advanced .
6 There 's jobs there if they 'd take them , the Minister says .
7 If , as the Minister says , we recouped so much money on the Gulf war , may I ask him to explain why the Ministry of Defence is being so mean and tight-fisted towards some of those who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice during that war ?
8 Is the Minister aware of the deep concern felt also by those who attend non-vocational classes in the evenings and at other times who , I am sorry to say , do not believe a word that the Minister says about continuing those classes ?
9 As the Minister says , the Northern Ireland economy is closely linked to that of the rest of the United Kingdom .
10 We welcome the positive steps that the Minister says have been taken , and we are glad to hear of the amount of money being spent on monitoring .
11 My hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) rightly pointed out some of the anomalies that the Minister says he will reply to , such as the marrried student with two children who will receive a 25 per cent .
12 Does that mean that those motions should be ignored because we have not studied the subject matter in detail in the way that the Minister says he wants people to consider social security matters ?
13 I hear what the Minister says about regional policy in the past .
14 The Minister says that they can not bear it , but perhaps the Duke of Edinburgh has more feeling .
15 On the seven-day cooling-off period , it is correct , as the Minister says , that there are similar provisions in other European countries , but will he confirm that , in those countries where there is a cooling-off period for unions , there is also a cooling-off period for employers ?
16 The Minister says : The gentleman has made his point in his usual colourful style.His views will be taken into consideration by the Home Secretaryw when he looks at the problem
17 We want the Minister to say that sales will not proceed until there is agreement not consultation — among the parties concerned to ensure the success of buy-outs .
18 I do not expect the Minister to say that the matter is outwith his ministerial remit .
19 Apart from the fact that we made a profit from the Gulf war , may I ask the Minister to say what else was achieved by it , with Saddam Hussein still in power and carrying out his evil acts and with the dictatorship still in power in Kuwait ?
20 I think that hon. Members on both sides of the House will agree that those two issues are closely connected , but I should like the Minister to say a little more about the specific question that I raised .
21 My hon. Friend the Member for Dewsbury challenged the Minister to say where he stood on the criticism by the Environment Commissioner , Carlo Ripa di Meana .
22 ‘ The family is our first defence against crime , ’ the minister said .
23 You were right , and we have acted , ’ the minister said .
24 Mocking supporters of legalisation writing in ‘ sophisticated newspapers ’ , the minister said perhaps they believed that suppliers , unmolested by the police , would , ‘ as an act of Christian charity ’ reduce their prices so their customers did not have to steal and prostitute themselves .
25 Dismissing an apppeal against a planning decision , the minister said he did not believe it was possible to solve Hampshire 's housing problems by allowing pockets of development .
26 During one committee meeting , the minister said : ‘ We are footing the bill , and one of the things we are footing the bill for is conservation advice . ’
27 The Minister said that all of the activities of the civil rights movement had indicated that it was predominantly a Republican body , and activities in Derry did not disprove that .
28 The Minister said we ought to circulate Tweed 's photo as well .
29 The minister said that the Pacific Ocean , for the Hawaiian people , was like the desert for Moses and the Israelites : ‘ The open sea is the place where we go to meet God . ’
30 Then the minister said , ‘ It 's all right , Molly .
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