Example sentences of "the relation to " in BNC.

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1 Particular ‘ the relation to one as distinguished from another ’ ( O.E.D. ) The question now to be asked is where does the art of the particular begin in the creation of style ?
2 Certain orientations of his work can be affiliated to Levinas ' attempt to shift the relation to alterity from an appropriation by the same into its totality to a respect for the other 's heterogeneity .
3 As such , the subject contains internal objects , representations which determine the relation to what is misleadingly called external reality .
4 The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father , just as it does for the child .
5 I have further suggested that the relation to the first object implies its introjection and projection , and thus from the beginning object-relations are moulded by an interaction between introjection and projection , between internal and external objects and situations .
6 I do n't think so except for the relation to domestics .
7 The general components of the stress tensor can be shown to bear the relation to where is now the force in the j-direction on the unit area with normal along i .
8 Assuming , as before , the relation to be true for any volume V , we have where is the acceleration .
9 Political change of some kind goes on continuously in every society , in response to a variety of changing internal and external conditions , which include the relation to nature and to other societies , the interaction of groups within each society , and the unceasing circulation of personnel through the disappearance of older generations and the rise of new ones .
10 In the 15 subjects in whom antral and upper intestinal recordings were not available , the relation to phase 3 of the migrating motor complex could only be determined indirectly by the temporal relation of non-deglutitive pressure waves in the oesophageal body with the non-deglutitive plastic contractions of the lower oesophageal sphincter ( this represented the sphincteric component of phase 3 of the migrating motor complex that occurred during the 10- 15 minute period preceding phase 3 in the antrum or proximal jejunum , as shown previously by others . )
11 When the repetitive contractions are peristaltic and are preceded by a small pressure plateau suggestive of a common cavity phenomenon , the relation to gastro-oesophageal reflex is clear .
12 Further studies are required to establish the optimal dosages of omeprazole and amoxicillin ( or other antibiotics ) , the frequency and the galenic formula ( amoxicillin suspension or tablet ? ) of the constituents , as well as the relation to meals ( pre- or postprandially ) and the required minimal duration of treatment .
13 well erm you ca n't no doubt do that at this moment , but I , I think it 's as Mr undoubtedly said , quite apart from anything Mr said er , if there are a several addition er which strangest with the relation to the er important part from our point of view , or an important part mainly these residence on going charges , that sounds reasonable
14 We 've been told that er everything 's done in , in the relation to the trustee but of course when you 're talking about massive sums of one point seven billion , our members er who are seventy five/eighty olds who suffered the problem of the inflatory years , their pensions have n't kept , kept pace with the with the people that are retiring now .
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