Example sentences of "the next moment " in BNC.

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1 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
2 ‘ Christ ! ’ she said , and the next moment , forgetful of her own safety , she had Maggie in her arms , shushing and soothing as she had never in her life done before .
3 But chided herself the next moment .
4 The next moment she jumped up , almost angrily , as though she had been trapped into a softness that she did not mean .
5 But she turned away without looking at him and the next moment Doyle had him by the arm and was hauling him upstairs .
6 The next moment she had her face under control , turning towards the door with a polite smile .
7 ‘ One moment we were all sitting outside the Art School discussing the latest models , and the next moment the boy had wandered off by himself .
8 The next moment he let out a cry , of disbelief and joy , similar to hers .
9 The next moment a head showed above water a yard or two from the boat .
10 They spend so much time immersed in unglamorous stuff — transient and trivial details that vanish and reappear to be done again the next moment .
11 The next moment she was a shocked spectator , seeing them both as something in a theatre , perhaps ballet dancers pretending to be puppets .
12 The tension is resolved , the impasse broken , by pushing on , to the next moment , the next story or reflection .
13 This she did , however , rather rapidly and the next moment I found she had overtaken me and was standing before me , effectively barring my way .
14 But no warning could check Arthur Conway 's fury , and with a lightning leap he managed to grip the young man 's throat , and so fiercely that he forced him backwards , only the next moment to have his arms snapped downwards , when he would have fallen on his back if he had n't come up against the coalhouse wall and , unfortunately , a shovel that was propped there .
15 Sometimes they will walk fast , even running from place to place , and then they will skip or hop , and the next moment they will be walking quite slowly ( much to their mothers ' annoyance ) .
16 The conventions of impermanence , where the cat breaks all its teeth or has all its hair burned off or is squashed flat and , the next moment , becomes whole again , seem to be peculiar to the comic strip and the animated cartoon .
17 In the next moment after Peter has been so firmly put right by Jesus , he has an experience that he is never to forget .
18 ‘ Well , you 're going to the bottom , you disgusting old bag , ’ screamed Perdita , and the next moment she had butted Enid in the small of a very large back right into the swimming-pool .
19 The next moment something heavy came clattering down the stairs .
20 The next moment the two of them were running down the drive together and then out on to the road , and Matilda was ahead , pulling Miss Honey after her by her wrist , and it was a wild and wonderful dash they made along the country lane and through the village to the house where Matilda 's parents lived .
21 The next moment , Little Billy had opened the window and was climbing out .
22 The next moment she was running up his outstretched legs , then flapping up his sweater and finally she was sitting inelegantly on his head .
23 The next moment I was on the floor and one was kicking me and the other was hitting me in the face .
24 A grapeshot , the next moment , hit another man on the shoulder , and he was carried below .
25 One minute Patsy 's hands had been by his side , the next moment Mike 's nose was split and the blood was gushing down his face and flooding the back of his throat .
26 But when , in the next moment , the bible is read , we shall again hear talk of ‘ Father ’ and ‘ Son ’ .
27 He frowned at this suspected future injustice , but the next moment he remembered the siege and the fact that there was every chance that he would not live to suffer the humiliations of old age , and his thoughts promptly took a different line : " After so many hardships , how sad to be deprived of the tranquil evening of one 's life ! "
28 The next moment all the rabbits leapt up in panic .
29 The next moment a door was flung violently open .
30 The next moment he was climbing from the bed , the ferocity of his passion still evident on him .
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