Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , if you do , do you think any of them would have signed this form if it had not been all in order and above board ? ’
2 There had not been much to Clive .
3 For some years now I have not been much in society .
4 Until now , Offa 's Dyke had not been much in evidence but from Chirk Castle beyond Oswestry 's old racecourse there is a sizeable stretch .
5 With her enchanting grin , which had , sadly , not been much in evidence of late , she added , ‘ I expect Sheila from down the road had been in with her ‘ Mr Sheen ’ … ’
6 First of all I that at no time have the Labour , the Liberal and the Conservative not been totally in favour of this fire station .
7 It had not been there during Mass .
8 I 'm gon na get some and take some down to grandma 's grave so I fe , I feel really guilty we 've not been there since Christmas eve !
9 In a land war , however , the concern will not be just for Iraqis , whether civilians or soldiers , but for allied soldiers .
10 The consequence of this is that the records may not be physically in sequence after a control interval split , although they will be handled in sequence by the indexes .
11 Even so , culture will not be wholly within management 's control .
12 It is almost certain that the tips will not be exactly in line with each other .
13 Electronic point of sale data , or credit/charge information , or banking data might be protected currently in the UK by copyright , but would probably not be elsewhere in Europe .
14 The summit will not be all about Mrs Thatcher 's ritual denunciation of the Social Charter , her contempt for the potential of the European Parliament , her denial that the time is right , her isolated war against any truck with monetary union .
16 The management became worried that if the calls for encores were to continue the opera , with its three ballets , lasting six hours , would be so long that the nobility would not be home in time for supper .
17 He was meeting the lads at seven and I was n't to wait up as he might not be home till February ( a chip off the old block ) .
18 The aims of these were to curb indiscriminate outdoor relief ; if the poor were not sufficiently desperate to enter the workhouse they could not be really in need .
19 But it may not be enough for clubs with their own tours .
20 But all that would not be enough without Connery to focus it .
21 I am sorry you have not heard from Sydney , you can not be long without letters , if they are not arrived already [ letter torn ] .
22 I have a feeling that it will not be long before Carnach 's people do the same , for Mugeary is dead , killed by his nephew Daman .
23 It would not be long before Jimmy Carter and much of the world realized that there very little , perhaps nothing , that could " keep Khomeini under control " -not , that is , from a liberal Western point of view .
24 She was sure that Comrade Andrew would not be still in bed , whoever else was .
25 ‘ That may be a nuisance in Grosvenor Square which would be none in Smithfield Market , that may be a nuisance at mid-day which would not be so at midnight , that may be a nuisance which is permanent and continual which would be no nuisance if temporary or occasional only ’ .
26 Similar diagrams to show the periods of flourishing of various natural groups were used by Richard Owen , Darwin 's chief adversary in England ; illustrations which look Darwinian may not be so in fact , but merely indicate that contemporaries were all wrestling with similar problems , and were sharing a good many assumptions .
27 Would it not be more like Satan to shoot a dart into the dreams of an unsuspecting person , so that he foresees a plane crash without any hope of helping or saying the situation ?
28 The results have to be published and should not be only of interest to the client group who put forward the proposal .
29 In other words , Labour , through control of the House of Commons , may form a government but it will not be fully in power because there is power in the secret state , in the private centres of economy and society , and in the international market itself , and all of these things lie beyond the easy grasp of a parliamentary majority .
30 Pleasure also becomes the element which protects the poet from the action of the powerful against a message they may not be fully in agreement with .
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