Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the letter to the shop manager should have instructed him that the goods should not be exposed or displayed or offered for sale without the label first being removed .
2 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
3 The farmer begged and prayed that his oxen might not be eaten and promised that , if the tiger would spare them , he would give in exchange a fine fat young milk cow of his wife 's .
4 The siege lasted almost a year , ; Philip VI put in an appearance with a relieving army at the beginning of August 1347 but he came to the conclusion that the English could not be dislodged and went away again .
5 He appears to have occupied a middle position , holding that while Gentile Christians need not be circumcised or keep traditional Jewish festivals , they should respect Jewish food laws .
6 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
7 This liability , under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , can not be limited or excluded at all — see paragraphs 9–6 to 9–14 above .
8 Furthermore , liability can not be limited or excluded by virtue of s7 of CPA 1987 by any contract term , notice or otherwise .
9 those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can not be limited as required by this Protocol ; and consequently , in each such case , are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction .
10 Both parties have invited this court to proceed on the basis that the validity of the appointment is not and can not be disputed or decided on this application .
11 The erm , importance of monitoring procedures can not be over-stressed because enable , to enable us to actually find out if these er , arrangements are working properly we do have to monitor the arrangements that are in place , and we have to provide details of monitor important for the members ' benefit , er , explaining how the budget is er , is being spent , and also bringing in information about the number of assessments , the levels of assessments , and all the other aspects that er , that make a new system work .
12 The ‘ bleep test , ’ the faceless , metronomic PT Instructor which can not be cursed or cheated , has honed the squads to a peak of measurable athletic performance , suggesting that our cricketers are fitter than our rugby players .
13 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
14 The artist who speaks , works , paints behind the curtain can not be named and labelled and authenticated — pinned down — as tidily as the academic art historian , identifying a drawing , would believe .
15 However , their benefits are much less tangible than a physical product in that they can not be stored or displayed and satisfaction is achieved through activities ( e.g. transportation from one place to another rather than say a seat on a train ) .
16 If careful investigation reveals a secure and successful domestic situation , then there should be no reason why a child should not be adopted and raised by the couple .
17 With sufficient funds to travel to many active libraries , it enables the British Library Information Officer for User Education to make more personal contact , and thus frequently acquire information that would otherwise not be volunteered or made public .
18 In particular the teaching force will not be regenerated or remotivated in the ways that are necessary ( and possible ) , and which alone will lead to the real and sustained improvements in the quality of the service delivered to pupils .
19 The selection of a prospective parliamentary candidate shall not be regarded as completed until the name of the member selected has been placed before a meeting of the National Executive Committee , and his or her selection has been duly endorsed .
20 The provisions of this Code are not intended to form part of any contract entered into between registrants and third parties unless expressly incorporated into such contract and should not be regarded as creating a collateral contract between registrants and third parties .
21 In traditional society this would not be regarded as sponging or parasitism , for it was felt that one 's relationship to one 's own son was no closer than that to the sons of siblings , and most people had more nephews than sons .
22 Standard English should not be regarded as fixed .
23 In general , PCs should not be regarded as belonging exclusively to one user , as this has resulted in extreme peaks and troughs in individual machine usage .
24 It was said that if a claim is directed to a technical process which is carried out under the control of a program ( whether implemented in the hardware or the software ) , then the claim can not be regarded as related to a computer program as such .
25 Eating and Drinking in Edinburgh is a selective guide but omission from its pages should not be regarded as implying criticism .
26 ( 2 ) An institution shall not be regarded as conducting its business in a prudent manner unless it maintains or , as the case may be , will maintain net assets which , together with other financial resources available to the institution of such nature and amount as are considered appropriate by the Bank , are — ( a ) of an amount which is commensurate with the nature and scale of the institution 's operations ; and ( b ) of an amount and nature sufficient to safeguard the interests of its depositors and potential depositors , having regard to the particular factors mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 3 ) below and any other factors appearing to the Bank to be relevant .
27 This deviant case analysis , while yielding important insights , can not be regarded as providing all the variables needed to explain firm by firm variations , as more research is necessary to construct a more refined typology , in particular one which could distinguish between the different types of professional integration here revealed , i.e. attitudinal , dependence on court , and dependence on the good opinion of high status practitioners .
28 It is true that Morris contains no disapproval or qualification of Lawrence , but , in my view , the main statements of principle in these cases can not possibly be reconciled and the later case therefore must not be regarded as providing any support for the earlier .
29 As the Swann Report says ( again with reference to Multicultural Education ) , ‘ It is important to recognise however that permeation alone can not be regarded as providing adequate provision for the kind of teaching which we have advocated … . without additional specialist course work , both compulsory and optional ’ ( DES , 1985 : 559 ) .
30 As a result , the client should be advised that the use of standard terms should not be regarded as removing the need to adopt other sensible business precautions .
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