Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is an example of construction : the liberality lies in finding a legal framework for an intention which could not work at civil law : that any acquirer of the money should be liable under the trust .
2 Waterwheels could not function at low water , so adjustable wheels were made .
3 At first sight it may seem unlikely that computers and computer software could kill or cause serious injury , but negligent liability does not stop at personal injury but extends to damage to property .
4 Outsiders , in their experience mainly Malays and Chinese , are portrayed as thieves and cheaters who will not stop at physical violence .
5 When Spurgeon opened Pastor 's College in 1856 some of the first pupils were illiterate but he insisted that his aim was to equip ‘ a class of ministers who will not aim at lofty scholarship , but at the winning of souls — men of the people ’ .
6 The remaining junctions we have studied ( G4pC5 , A5pC6 , G7pT8 , T8pC9 ) do not resonate at low field and thus would not be expected to be in the B II state .
7 It is also found that , for the junctions whose phosphates do not resonate at low field , the torsional energy of the B II conformation is uniformly less stable than that of the starting structure .
8 ( ii ) " Long Play " discs ( CLV : Constant Linear Velocity ) The frames on these discs are assigned differently and they do not play at constant speed .
9 Already there are sawmills that can not operate at full capacity because of wood shortages .
10 They do not fly at ordinary room temperatures and they crawl only slowly , so there will not be much danger of them crawling out of the container and escaping .
11 yeah I mean , and the trouble is what n annoys me more than anything is the fact that he 's good worker I me even when he 's drunk , alright he do n't work at full capacity but he does sort of almost as much as what they do and when he 's
12 The position therefore is you do n't look at residential care , erm , yes , over a period of time we could raise the requirements or the need levels that allow people access to residential care .
13 He wo n't come at short notice .
14 But I do n't practise at full volume — I do n't know anyone who does !
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