Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [art] [noun] given " in BNC.

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1 The reply to question ( 3 ) must therefore be that the existence of the present system of national quotas does not affect the replies given to question ( 2 ) .
2 ( 5 ) The existence of the present system of national quotas does not affect the replies given to question ( 2 ) .
3 ( 4 ) The matters adverted to in question ( 4 ) do not affect the answers given to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) .
4 Some scholars and officials have sought to avoid distortions by counting only crimes defined as ‘ serious ’ ; this adjustment would not affect the example given above , for all of the crimes mentioned would normally fall into this category .
5 The clerk did not follow the instructions given by Mr. Tucker 's memorandum .
6 My stomach did for a while , as it did not like the vapours given out by the hops in the borough market after the sea air it had been used to in Hastings , but one can not live on sea air .
7 He concluded that the presence of HIV did not vitiate the consent given .
8 In conclusion I propose that the court should state , in answer to question ( 3 ) raised in Case C 221/89 , that the existence of the system of national quotas does not alter the answers given to question ( 2 ) .
9 ( 3 ) The existence of the system of national quotas does not alter the answers given to question ( 2 ) .
10 Once set up , you may not change the value given to LIFESPAN as the Storage Directory for a particular Charge Code .
11 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
12 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
13 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
14 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
15 These names need not be complete module names and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
16 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
17 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
18 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
19 These identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
20 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
21 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
22 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
23 A bye-law made by a licensing board under this section must be intra vires , i. e. the scope of the bye-law must not exceed the power given by the section .
24 It certainly did n't merit the name given it by the Danes , who invented it .
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