Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] him [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had not expected him back before one o'clock .
2 However , although these disanalogies were fundamental , Darwin 's theorizing had not taken him out of the causal , lawful , deterministic Newtonian universe , into one as irreducibly acausal and absolutely probabilistic as is sometimes thought implicit in quantum mechanics .
3 She hoped she had n't let him down in any way .
4 Among the celebs busting to catch a glimpse of Nick 's end-of-the-pier nostalgia show were CLING POPPIE , JOHN from the NED 'S , SUEDE drummer SIMON , PAVEMENT , SEAN HUGHES ( cor , have n't seen him out for ages ) , ALAN and DAVE from the ROCKING BIRDS ( Hey !
5 You have n't brought him back with you , then , ’ he commented derisively , ignoring the hand she had held out him .
6 And you have n't allowed him back in ?
7 We have n't put him down for a nursery school- !
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