Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [v-ing] at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Between meals snacks were forbidden , and the dining room table was arranged so that Suzy 's parents were not directly looking at her .
2 She was not now looking at him as a child looked .
3 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
4 Horowitz was not even looking at her : opening his executive case , he lifted the base , sorted through several documents , found what he was looking for and shut the case .
5 ‘ There is time , ’ he murmured , not even looking at her , his eyes still on his sister .
6 I 'm not even looking at you .
7 ‘ Leon , you 're not even looking at it . ’
8 ‘ Where do we sit ? ’ she asked , not quite looking at me , and I said , ‘ Anywhere , madam .
9 ‘ OK , ’ she answered , not quite looking at him .
10 Perhaps it was the etchings themselves , but he sat and I thought he was n't really looking at them .
11 Originally you were n't really looking at it , five of you all fell into the same trap , you know , they , they get half way through , and they did have something to do and they did sort of start rushing .
12 She ai n't really looking at my face , but straight into my eyes .
13 We have n't got close to the matter yet , we are n't really working at it . ’
14 He was n't even looking at her .
15 I can see that perhaps if they want to have a er they may feel they need to stray into other boundaries but I did feel that when I read what Huntingdon district council proposed which was if you like , to completely re-drawing the electoral map for the entire county I was n't actually looking at something that was designed to deal with the interests of the citizens of Huntingdon district council , I was looking at the straightforward political proposal which would be far better to come from a political party than from a district council .
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