Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I can not altogether agree with Ruskin .
2 Symptoms were compared with those before treatment and were scored as follows : ( 0 ) no symptoms ; ( 1 ) major symptoms cured , patient pleased with result of treatment ; ( 2 ) some improvement , patient not wholly satisfied with result of treatment ; ( 3 ) no change in symptoms .
3 Limbs were often not properly joined with bodies and the long necks and rigidity of attitudes recall the shapes of the clay idols of the period .
4 By building the picture up slowly in this way , the patient is not suddenly confronted with demands for details before he has settled comfortably into the personality and environment of the person he once was .
5 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
6 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
7 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
8 Honours are one thing , and it 's not necessarily to do with class , because any one of any class can get on
9 It is also the case , of course , that stated aims do not necessarily match with practice .
10 Contrary to popular belief , long timespans given over to arduous , repetitive practice do not necessarily equate with improvement .
11 This is consistent with the view that their struggle to stay awake is not necessarily punctuated with periods of somnolence , or microsleeps , but shows a compelling tendency to slip down the arousal continuum .
12 Transfer of training from a simulator to a real situation is never complete and does not necessarily increase with degree of fidelity .
13 Theorists such as Nozick , Dworkin , and Ackerman have all addressed major issues of equality , rights , and justice and do not necessarily agree with Rawls 's work .
14 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
15 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
16 He felt that this number was not enough to communicate with workers entering and leaving the premises ( usually at the same time ) or with transport workers as and when they delivered goods to the place .
17 A comprehensive galley , which includes a microwave oven , gives the operators standards of comfort not hitherto associated with lifeboats , and offers the prospect of ( Continued on page 92 ) survivors being given more than the traditional hot cup of tea !
18 Martha could feel now that her toes were not only wet with sweat but also sticky with blood .
19 MacLauchlan not only recorded with precision details of many ancient monuments , some of which have since been destroyed , but also provided accompanying texts based on his sound observations .
20 When the Israelite desert tribes entered Canaan , they found a land not only flowing with milk and honey , but full of weeping and laughter in its religious rituals , quite different from anything they had known .
21 We have found , however , that when more samples were investigated with the same methods , the abnormal AChE is not only associated with AD but also related to other neurological diseases that may cause dementia , although these patients are currently non-demented ( Mini-Mental State examination ) :
22 In this case , nonsense is not only associated with grammar but learning as well .
23 Systematists need not only to communicate with nature conservationists but also to appraise them .
24 Like I said at the beginning , Rickenbacker do n't churn designs out lightly ; the Atlantis and Excalibur are the result of careful consideration , and if you 're looking for a guitar that 's not only brimming with personality but is eminently playable in just about any style , I 'd suggest you check this one out , fast …
25 But we do not only communicate with people with whom we share our personal lives .
26 This not only interfered with control room instruments but disabled two back-up systems and knocked out the computer which normally logs all changes in operations .
27 As for our own species , the oldest evidence , going back to possibly about 35,000 BC , reveals that the dead were not only equipped with weapons , tools , and ornaments but also with food , which must often have been in short supply among the living .
28 ‘ It 's not just to do with surface .
29 But we need to make certain that this is not just playing with formulae ; it is all too easy to produce " underlying representations " which are compatible with surface data , but which do not come with compelling reasons , based on other observable data and not on mere rejigging of the representational system , for being chosen in preference to various other compatible representations .
30 Epilepsy , despite the known medical facts that it commonly " burns out " after ten years and that it is not normally associated with disorders of personality , nonetheless still causes considerable concern in society .
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