Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One aspect of the regional geography of job loss and job change which it has not been possible to examine in the chapter is the contrasting ways in which different regions of the UK relate to the international division of labour .
2 For various reasons , it has not been possible to arrange for this sub-committee to meet .
3 Plans for this were made some years ago , but it has not been possible to proceed with them ( a ) because of lack of funds , and ( b ) because the personnel department has overall responsibility in all departments of the authority ’ …
4 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
5 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
6 He knew that he could be an ice-cube at times — God knows , Beethoven , Mozart and Wagner had not been easy to live with either — and Alexia took the chill off him .
7 I am pleased to see the porpoise , because they too have been affected by the general shortage of food recently , and have not been easy to find in their usual haunts .
8 The appointment of Mr Stevens was a classic case of promoting a man beyond his level of competence and could not have happened if there had not been deep distrust in official circles of people who know what they are talking about .
9 Many affidavits were filed in these proceedings , but for our purposes it has not been necessary to refer to them in any detail , because the facts are carefully summarised in the judgment of Mann L.J .
10 A century later John Murray , the British ambassador in Constantinople , bitterly regretted that in 1774 he had not been able to act as mediator in the making of the Russo-Turkish peace of Kutchuk — Kainardji and thus gain the valuable presents from both sides which would have been his reward .
11 Manuel had not been able to improve on par the first day but everyone knew he was capable of making up a lot of leeway with one of his famous ‘ charges . ’
12 I will certainly look with compassion in days to come on the three hon. Members whom I have not been able to call on the statement , but we have a busy day ahead of us .
13 For Hardy , who had written in a letter to Thomas Macquoid , ‘ I am glad you like Tess — though I have not been able to put on paper all that she is , or was , to me ’ , it was ‘ the beginning of the end of his career as a novelist ’ .
14 I should add that in any event the Bank of England are in my judgment entitled to the presumption of regularity both as to reasonableness and as to the scope of their functions , and Mr. Philipson has not been able to point to any evidence of fact which can not be reconciled with them having the required reasonable opinion .
15 Mr McGregor still suffers from a reduced function in his arms and has not been able to return to work .
16 If the general practitioner pronounces the patient fit enough , he may be able to start driving a car again , although he may need to retake a driving test if he has not been able to drive for several months .
17 Although tigers have been able to adapt to different climates and landscapes , they have not been able to live alongside people .
18 Gender , Class and Education , a collection edited by Stephen Walker and Len Barton ( 1983 ) , contains a number of useful articles on the interaction between class and gender in education and , in particular , has an interesting discussion by Madeleine Arnot of the feminist issues surrounding co-education and single sex schooling — an issue which , for reasons of space , I have not been able to refer to in this section .
19 He had still not been able to talk to Majorie about the adoption .
20 ‘ I was talking to an old man about death and he said , ‘ You know I 've not been able to talk to my wife .
21 because we 've not been able to talk to people
22 ‘ We have not been able to account for him and we do n't know where he is and we 're very much interested in talking to him , ’ he said .
23 It is within this conceptual framework that a government minister at the Department of the Environment can , with seemingly irrefutable common sense , conceptualise inner cities as the places where ‘ those living there have not been able to participate in the economic miracle of the Thatcher years ’ ( Trippier , 1989 , p7 ) and which require a strong police presence because ‘ the future prosperity of the inner cities depends directly on how safe they are in which to live and work ’ ( ibid , p22 ) .
24 It is fair to say that the British extreme right has not been able to draw on specific traditions of activism that have assisted , say , the French FN or the Belgian VB in extending their influences so widely .
25 When you live alone , where you keep your money and how you can reach it , is exceptionally important , because you do not have a live-in partner to borrow from if you have not been able to go to the bank .
26 The kid 's not been able to see inside the place . ’
27 The fines imposed upon the Earl of Lancaster and his followers were remitted , and Lancaster received confirmation of his right to Pontefract , Tutbury and Leicester , which he had not been able to recover after the revolution of 1327 , though he had to lease Pontefract from the queen for £1,000 a year .
28 His achievements as Labour leader have earned him respect and admiration , but he has not been able to appeal beyond the party in which he has made his life .
29 However , this is not to say that many forms of life have not been able to adapt to life on slopes up to the 10,000-ft ( 3,050 m ) level , and in some cases higher .
30 Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .
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