Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 The following policy exclusions are of importance in determining whether a valid subsidence claim exists : o Defective design or inadequate construction of the foundations — e.g. where the foundations of a property have not been constructed to a level required by regulations applying at the time of construction .
2 Widely known for the large painted steel sculptures which brighten plazas and lobbies throughout the United States , and for his regular appearances in the New York salerooms , he is surprisingly unfamiliar in a London context and has not been treated to a museum exhibition in this country since the Tate Gallery 's survey of 1962 .
3 ‘ In general terms , this accident could have been avoided had the petrol vapour not been exposed to a source of ignition , ’ Mr Haddock added .
4 Those of us who have worked within the education system , in social priority areas , since the Sixties , can assure Janet Daley that these children have not been abandoned to a type of educational apartheid .
5 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
6 Happily , Herstmonceux has not been sold to a corporate buyer seeking to take advantage of this potential cornucopia of planning permissions , but to an American who values the place for its beauty and history .
7 The right to ask a court to fix the amount they have to pay for services or works on the grounds that these have not been provided to a reasonable standard or at a reasonable cost .
8 All 89 met study criteria for presenile dementia ; nine of these records were of patients with probable Alzheimer 's disease , but only three had not been admitted to a psychiatric hospital .
9 Spiritual direction need not be limited to a twosome .
10 The article shows that the interpretation of a text can not be limited to a purely linguistic analysis and advocates the case for the " bibliographical and productive histories of the poems we read " ( p. 205 ) .
11 As we have seen in Lecture 7 , equilibrium in the factor or output markets may not be achieved , and we have to examine in the context of a fully specified disequilibrium model whether the economy converges to an equilibrium path , which in turn may or may not be tending to a steady state .
12 At a later stage , if errors are found in the procedure 's performance which can not be traced to a falling within the local system , it may be necessary to examine these influencing factors further , for instance the design of the form might be inadequate for the accurate recording of information , a factor outside the direct control of the section involved .
13 The report need not be made to a constable .
14 We shall assume that , by definition , an adjective , which instantiates a property , can not be related to a noun phrase identifying an entity by the relation of equation , and we have to deal in predicative position only with the other intensional relation found in items following a form of to be , assignment of qualification .
15 He fulfils the role of second son quite adequately in my view , and I trust he will not be summoned to a higher station in life .
16 The question of criminal liability can not be relegated to a matter of medical consensus .
17 Lord Keith held that the distinction between evidence and discovery was recognised both in the Act and in Article 23 of the Convention ; it was not disputed by counsel that effect could not be given to a request merely seeking discovery .
18 Art can not be raised to a pure effusion at a single onset . ’
19 Births registered by the mother only can not be assigned to a social class , but the Longitudinal Study showed that 73 per cent of teenage illegitimate births in 1970–4 occurred to women where the ‘ chief economic supporter ’ ( usually father ) was a manual worker ; 13 per cent in social class V ( Werner 1989 ) .
20 Where frequent comments could not be assigned to a pre-existing category a new category was created .
21 The answer is that , properly speaking , the honourable word ‘ bound ’ should not be applied to a cased book , though it is admittedly in general use .
22 First , the models are one-dimensional only and can not be applied to a real solid .
23 In summary , the view was that exceptional items should not be transferred to a single heading of ‘ exceptional ’ , because profit before exceptional items could then become the focus of financial statement presentation and as a result operating profit would be likely to become more blurred , rather than clarified .
24 " Surpluses can not be transferred to a purchaser .
25 For instance , in the eight queens problem , the position Q can not be extended to a goal because no queen can ever be put in the left file .
26 The profile should not be extended to a length which might cause misconceptions about its intended scope and purpose .
27 Generally unschooled in the scientific method , judges have the legal duty of deciding what may or may not be presented to a jury .
28 What we are looking at is the development of a decentralised approach to management which by definition can not be reduced to a few single issues , although the level of management self-awareness is critical in all of them .
29 Messenger is not , of course , suggesting that women 's writing in the period is so fragmented that the concept is basically useless , but that the writing of women can not be reduced to a single critical proposition .
30 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
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