Example sentences of "[not/n't] [conj] we [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 My point is not that we might count the relations between parts as themselves parts — though this is not necessarily mistaken — but that the relations into which the parts enter in making up the whole affect their character and value so that they do not necessarily have the same value as they would have had out of that whole .
2 The suggestion is not that we should lift the laws of libel , which would be one other possible step to take , because if we were to do so witnesses would be inhibited and the opportunity for justice would be damaged .
3 Not that we should over-emphasise Lorca 's surrealism .
4 ‘ The point ’ they say , ‘ is not that we should recognise semantic change , but that in order to be precise , in order to be understood , we must ’ .
5 I said , ‘ For God 's sake , Desmond , hire her a television , ’ but he said no because we 're not well off , not well off at all , and we 're having to keep her , she has n't offered a penny , not that we 'd accept of course , and anyway Desmond said there was n't any point because if we got her a television she 'd think of something else , want to play cards or something , and that would be worse — and he 's right , it would , because a game of bridge with her is like the cold war all over again . ’
6 Well plus plus the fact that erm it 's not that you have n't got one , or it 's not that we 'd need you to drive it 's that you 're denying us the privilege of being able to send you .
7 Not that we can find , and he is n't saying .
8 Not that we can take any joy from declaring ‘ I told you so ’ .
9 Not if we can do things honestly .
10 Not if we can see you first ! ’
11 At least , not until we can get their bod — .
12 ‘ Not all , ’ said Memet , ‘ but we would n't go back to the olive trees — not for ever , not unless we could take our money with us . ’
13 A problem is a problem in the person concerned , not because we may see it as being such .
14 The tremendous problems that they have need addressing and we should be there , not because we can reap the benefits necessarily in funding , although of course that would help , but because we can lend a hand , because we can reach out Local Authority and in my view that is also what the people of would want this Council to do .
15 This is a very interesting proposal for BSL , not because we can see the conscious efforts of BSL learners to match their signing to BSL grammar but rather because there is a matching to English grammar .
16 Sensations of white , for instance , are classed together , not because we can take them to pieces , and say they are alike in this , and not alike in that , but because we feel them to be alike altogether , though in different degrees .
17 Enough not because we must content ourselves with the minimum , he wrote , but because there is never more , if more means meaning , wholeness , salvation , redemption , all the rest .
18 The issue is not whether we should study the constitution , but the problem is one of deciding just what is the constitution and determining how best to study it .
19 This year , I am being told that the test was not whether we could deliver our unprecedented number of detailed commitments , as I had thought , but whether we would do a lot more than we said we would do just a year ago .
20 Mr Ellis added : ‘ When we took over the line the state of the locomotives was not as we would have wished so we have embarked on a rebuilding process . ’
21 ( 180 ) … and seek to express ourselves as we are , and not as we would have our friend to think us to be .
22 Next it is essential to agree a workable strategy for implementation based on conditions as they are , not as we would wish them to be .
23 it wo n't , you know if it wo n't cos we 'd have to have a new one then would n't we ?
24 We could test it to see if we get an output , we do n't but we could do , there 's no need because all we have to do in effect is just set the weights of the decoders that are actually coming out .
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