Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the days of Queen Victoria the method of choosing bishops for the Church of England had changed , not wholly for the better .
2 The jump in share prices was comparable to yesterday 's but the euphoria quickly ebbed away as it dawned on investors that — in terms of the immediate prospects — not much had changed and what had changed was not entirely for the better .
3 DEPOSITED ABROAD Choosing a suitable foreign currency bank account may mean shopping around , not necessarily for the highest interest rates but for the best service available
4 ‘ It seems to depend on how much credit people can afford , and at the moment it is just not enough for a new car , ’ said one high-street main dealer .
5 and its animals not enough for a burnt offering .
6 as if one superlative were not enough for a single day , just across the way from Bill 's place I found a stall serving some unusual flavours of ice-cream .
7 It 's not enough for the rich to be rich , they have to boast about their perks and fiddles and scams as well .
8 But that was not enough for the new Chancellor , Denis Healey .
9 But that is not enough for the Gay Liberationists .
10 One book is not enough for the inexhaustible Terry , so we also have a new juvenile title from him , Johnny and the Dead ( £9.99 ) .
11 It was also said that good motivation alone was not enough for the unemployed as training was necessary , however determined a person was to obtain employment .
12 ‘ Been waiting all the morning for a bit of attention from my only daughter , not much for a sick mother to ask , is it ? ’
13 Not much for the young .
14 There are interesting telescopic objects in Boo¨tes , but not much for the binocular observer .
15 Yet , while the traditional working class had little prospect of improving their economic and social opportunities , this was not so for the two and a half million or so families whose income varied between £2 and £4 per week .
16 Not so for the Conservative campaign managers .
17 It seems that all work and no play , even in the workplace , makes not only for a dull boy , but also one that is not as efficient .
18 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
19 The University acts as a magnet not only for a wide range of able students from across the UK , but world-wide .
20 Hick contributed a pleasant cameo , notable not only for a superb back-foot force through the covers but also for his continued struggles against the short ball , and a debatable lbw decision which ended his stay .
21 Mahmud Pasa confesses that such is the case , explaining that Abdulkerim saved him from an addiction to wine which , he implies , would have seriously impaired his chances not only for a successful career but for salvation as well .
22 And a proclamation went out to everyone who lived far and near to say that he was looking not only for a beautiful wife , but also the most worthy wife that could be found .
23 In 1839 he succeeded Stephen Rigaud [ q.v. ] as reader in experimental philosophy ( physics ) at Oxford , becoming responsible not only for a well-established course but also for an extensive collection of apparatus with an endowment for its development .
24 In more recent times the potential of bilingual education not only for a social elite as was traditionally the case but also for the disadvantaged and/or those already possessing a degree of bilingualism from pre-school experience has been much discussed and researched .
25 Is my hon. Friend aware that , for many years within the referral area of the Plymouth eye infirmary , people have had to wait excessively long periods not only for an initial eye examination but for subsequent treatment ?
26 Such was the prophetic hope , not only for the Suffering Servant or the Messiah of Israel but for the whole people of God .
27 For example , most people buy free-range eggs not only for the extra taste and nourishment , but also because they approve of the conditions in which the hens are kept .
28 For unknown reasons some biologists , not least in America , have recently taken to saying Algy as in Algernon , not only for the plural ‘ algae ’ , which is — just — forgivable , but also for the singular ‘ alga ’ , which is not . )
29 This had been a great success in both countries not only for the deaf but for their hearing fellow citizens , who made " learning sign language " the second most popular study after English in adult education .
30 1983 was a year of historical significance in the development of the BDA not only for the above events but because , by a happy coincidence , it was the year when Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales agreed to become the BDA 's first Royal Patron .
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