Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The posts may not necessarily be particularly lucrative ( regius professorships are worth £100 a year , religiously paid in quarterly £25 cheques ) , but they are at some of the pinnacles of national life , they open doors and they command respect .
2 The use of substantial bank guarantees in support of the plaintiff 's undertakings would not necessarily be either practicable or , certainly where a foreign State was plaintiff , appropriate .
3 Such investigations have tended to concentrate on linguistic traits which may not necessarily be artistically relevant , such as range of vocabulary sentence length or frequency of certain conjunctions on the principle that a writer 's genuine " thumbprint " is more likely to be found in unobtrusive habits beyond conscious artistic control .
4 Therefore , the ingredients listed in this book may not necessarily be exactly identical to the product served in particular restaurants .
5 Brooks 's may not necessarily be much better , but Spitzer 's undoubtedly attributes a more prosaic kind of meaning to the text , which he sees as expressing an ( unreconciled ) opposition between the ‘ archaeological message ’ and the ‘ aesthetic message ’ of the urn .
6 A person writing a computer program , or a company manufacturing computer equipment will not necessarily be potentially liable to the world at large in negligence ; they will be liable , however , to those whom they could contemplate being adversely affected by any negligent act or omission of theirs .
7 I heartily agree with him , and I suspect that that is really an argument in favour of federalism in due course — I would not necessarily be too frightened of taking that course .
8 Some cancers , such as Hodgkin 's disease , may not necessarily be more common , but their growth is more aggressive in HIV infection .
9 The general impression conveyed is that these women would not necessarily be more satisfied with work if they saw more people , but that they would certainly be less dissatisfied .
10 For obvious reasons these will not necessarily be mutually exclusive :
11 Families from this range were always in search of respectability and , having followed their betters into churches , lecture rooms , and recreational clubs , they were now being told that a certain amount of movie-going need not necessarily be socially harmful .
12 They need not necessarily be totally stand-alone units but could be part of the central planning department .
13 At the same time the appetite of those few readers for books in their category will not necessarily be any smaller than that of readers in a large interest category .
14 Despite the numbers of scientists involved , physical geographers have not perhaps been as prominent as they should have been in the investigation of the human impact upon soil systems .
15 That this is not so is very apparent from any number of reports which can not be dismissed as anecdotage .
16 The overall rate of social mobility increased during the period but the chances of working-class youths reaching the top positions have not only been always lower than those of young people of higher socio-economic family backgrounds , but these differences have not changed over the years .
17 The fact that no powerfully theoretical recreation geography has emerged , however , should not be seen as a defeat for the subject , for the empirical work that has been produced has not only been very useful in its own right , but has also shown a significant mismatch between leisure aspirations and recreational resources .
18 The hilarious final rush of actions dominates the tale , and may provide a form of comic catharsis by which not only are potentially grave moral images and considerations emptied of their solemnity , but also the sympathy that it is difficult at times not to feel for the poor dupe , John , faithfully and helplessly in love with his wife , is overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of this all-embracing climax .
19 A democratic constitution , not supported by democratic institutions in detail , but confined to the central government , not only is not political freedom , but often creates a spirit precisely the reverse , carrying down to the lowest grade in society the desire and ambition of political domination .
20 Not only is most pre-modern literature now culturally remote , but England is no longer the centre of contemporary literary creation in the English language .
21 And in fact the coffee rooms not only were not profitable but I think at one time were even subsidized by the directors ' own pocket which just how balmy some people can be .
22 Not only were nearly three-fifths of the people here unable to scrape together sufficient personal property to reach the tax threshold of £2 , but none got the alternative of 20s. wages in the year , as did many in the Midland and southern counties who were in the same position .
23 By the end of the boom the machines confronting the average worker not only were more numerous than before but also bore little resemblance to those in use two decades previously .
24 Because , according to Pöhl , ‘ monetary policy must not be obstructed by fiscal policy ’ , an ‘ independent ’ central bank would not only be completely unprecedented in recent history , it would also represent an immense concentration of power in the hands of unaccountable bankers , who would perforce be implementing policies which might be very unpopular , within an area in which there may well not be the kind of national consensus which obtains in Germany .
25 When choreographers wish to be patriotic by displaying the national origins of a company , school or ballet , they must not only be thoroughly conversant with that country 's uniquely traditional folk arts but also be very sensitive to the way that native performers play in the popular theatre .
26 An in that case , now certain can the IRB be that admission to those World Cup matches will not only be freely available to , but will be as readily affordable , by the majority of South Africans , and not necessarily only the privileged few ?
27 These reports , published in June 1986 , suggested that a barrage would not only be technically feasible but would be likely to create significant new development opportunities in the Cardiff waterfront area and beyond .
28 As I understand it , it is tied to the average and would therefore not only be relatively high at £3.40 but would increase as the average wage itself increased .
29 Indeed he was probably uncertain himself as to what the end-point would be , except that it was bound to be a less rigid and less bipolar system than the old one ; and he assumed that a more flexible multipolar system would not only be more advantageous to France but would be safer and more equitable for all states .
30 Market considerations would , therefore , dictate that among the owner occupiers , the upper socio-economic groups would not only be more likely to occupy detached housing than the lower socio-economic groups but that this disparity would be even wider than the one existing on simple tenure criteria .
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