Example sentences of "[not/n't] [pron] he had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Cardiff was still one of the bastards who had put him away , not someone who had been duped by a fellow officer with false evidence , certainly not someone he had come to respect .
2 His tone made it clear the job was not one he had enjoyed .
3 If he had an upset stomach , it was not something he had eaten , indigestion , but the first sign of a rumbling ulcer .
4 It was not something he had considered much before now , but he could see that outstanding looks could be more of a curse than a blessing .
5 Although not something he had thought of himself , the adaptation grew in importance to him , the more he worked on it .
6 This was not what he had wanted at all .
7 This was not what he had employed Didier for .
8 That was not what he had meant .
9 It was not ideal , it was not what he had anticipated , far from it , but it was better than abandoning it to Adam .
10 And when he sagged and said he 'd had enough of the place and it was not what he had thought it would be , she said life never was and that if he wanted to stay in Fleet Street he would be foolish to leave without a new job to go to .
11 This was not what he had expected him to do .
12 Getting her jeans off in two seconds flat in a stable was not what he had visualized for her .
13 Not what he had told me .
14 She stirred against him , and he mistook it for something like the small movements of a child asleep , and smiled down at her through the slow current of perfume rising from her black , turmoiled hair ; but she was awake and brought her head up , drawing away from him a little , looking at him , so that he had to hide his smile quickly , because it was n't something he had meant her to see .
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