Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Was it really a fact that a significant section of the public really did not know — not that Champagne came from a Province in France historically called Champagne — but from France at all ?
2 Does not this inclination arise from his believing in the goodness , the worth , of what has this property and from his belief that its goodness is an important ethical truth ?
3 In September , another year 's rent must be paid and the money for that would not this time come from the Brownings .
4 Vasey 's were not the be-all and end-all , she decided , then realised that , with not another word coming from her brother Sebastian , not so much as another postcard , much less a banker 's draft with his share of the mortgage , they were the only firm around that paid the sort of money she was earning .
5 Someone who says there is not actual entity separate from the world called beauty could still be a chap who believed that the word beautiful had a vivid and important use .
6 Not much profit came from these transactions but friends were made and contacts kept up that were to prove useful in the peace .
7 In other words there 's not much heat rising from the living area .
8 A not dissimilar offering came from a Birchfield sprint coach who suggested that the Africans were ‘ built differently to West Indians …
9 It is not good practice to exit from a FOR …
10 And not all electricity comes from power stations requiring FGD .
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