Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) One might wish to argue that in both cases the accused was not dishonest towards the shop .
2 Even if the accused does not fall within s.2(1) , he may still be not dishonest for the purposes of the Act .
3 The courts have held that if there is no evidence that the accused believed that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary people , the judge need not give a direction in Ghosh terms : Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 on handling ; Price ( 1989 ) 90 Cr App R 409 on deception ; and Squire [ 1990 ] Crim LR 341 on conspiracy to defraud .
4 The jury , however , does not ask whether the accused believed he was acting with the relevant state of mind , but under the Theft Acts as well as offences of fraud the jury must acquit if the accused believed that what he did was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
5 Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 held that the second stage of the Ghosh test does not have to be given in handling cases if there is no evidence that the accused did believe that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
6 A claim of a moral right to the asset does not fall within s.2(1) ( a ) , but may be not dishonest within the principles to be discussed shortly .
7 Unless you install one of the cheaper d-i-y types , double glazing is not cost-effective from the insulation point of view .
8 ‘ Our levels of absenteeism are not untypical of the London area , ’ says Dennis Tunnicliffe , the managing director of London Underground ; ‘ And that 's enough to cause some noise in the system . ’
9 Sylvia , currently in Moss Side , is not untypical of the women in special hospitals today .
10 And this kind of process , one might add , is not untypical of the career of theories in natural science .
11 The social services tradition of top-down capital programming , which was not untypical at the time , was replaced by one in which most new services were — at minimum — strongly influenced by a bottom-up CMHT input ; an input characterized by detailed knowledge of people 's real needs , preferences and capacities .
12 [ Translation by the present author , not that on the liner . ]
13 Not that of a man for a woman … ’
14 His home was not that of a day labourer or landless tenant but that of a middle-class artisan .
15 If the horse wo n't walk into the trailer , it 's best to let him eat some of his food standing on the ramp ( only of a two-horse trailer and obviously not that of a truck ) .
16 This argument was rejected by Walton J. on the now familiar ground that the lessee 's covenant was a primary liability , not that of a surety .
17 ‘ The test of unfairness is not that of a game : it is whether in the light of the considerations to which I have referred the evidence , if admitted , would undermine the justice of the trial .
18 This rhythm , though muscular , is not aggressive ; it is not that of a march but a working rhythm that has joy in it .
19 This was so even though the business was not that of a car dealer .
20 But , like Millar , Dicey 's idea of balance is not that of a balance between the different estates ; it is a balance within Parliament which ultimately reflects a balance in society in general .
21 What I mean by the ‘ graphology ’ of drawing is the study of the line , of the pure graphic quality , of the stroke , not that of the subject represented or the style .
22 Treaty defined the companies to which the chapter on the right of establishment was applicable , it adopted , alongside the criterion of formation in accordance with the law of a member state , the criterion of the registered office , central administration or principal place of business and not that of the nationality of the founders , directors or shareholders .
23 In cases like the " difficult customer " , where the persona created is clearly not that of the narrator , it is easy to see how the change of code is part of the construction of a " character " separate from the speaker .
24 No democratic government , and certainly not that of the US , could gain much mileage from giving political status to the perpetrators of carnage such as this .
25 A man of immense physical vigour , intellectual confidence and moral force , as naturally extrovert as was Paul painfully introvert , his decisive experience was not that of the Council ( which he did attend ) , nor of the Western Christian 's attempt to reshape the gospel when faced with the blandishments of agnostic affluence , still less was it any deep experience of the struggles of the third world ; instead , it was that of the Church 's singularly successful , no-nonsense resistance to communism in Poland : a combination of old-fashioned pieties , unquestioned doctrinal certainties , down-to-earth preoccupation with basic human rights , and a dose of sheer populism .
26 Friends then , the three of us — me sitting in the back of the old Countryman as it rattled along , Edward at the wheel singing Verdi as though he 'd just found the key to the Hermetic Mystery if not that of the aria he 'd chosen , while Laura , who had taken some persuading , groaned and laughed beside him .
27 The balances in London would of course have their counterpart in the US , but would be in the name of the London bank , not that of the East European bank .
28 Everywhere one looked there were unaccustomed trophies on display and , when the visiting Ryder Cup team arrived at The Belfry in the last few moments of the decade , they were greeted by the sight of the Ryder , Curtis and Walker Cups , knowing that the last name on them was not that of the United States of America .
29 It is of no assistance , however , to your Lordships in the present appeal to debate the finer points of Reg. v. Lawrence with a view to deciding whether the decision in this House ( although not that of the Court of Appeal ) can be justified on the special facts .
30 However , Hume 's way of explaining the gap was not that of the intuitionists , but rather that of the emotivists .
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