Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it had reached the Morvan and had then turned round , but did not make it back to base , then a crash on land or sea is self-evident : if on land , only the agency — the weather , engine trouble , or enemy action — is in doubt .
2 I also wonder what will happen if I have a second child — Mark might not make it back from work in time to be with me . ’
3 They had not expected him back before one o'clock .
4 The end of Genesis did not bring us back to the beginning , but it surely left us heading in the right direction .
5 ‘ I would bring something back for someone else but I would not bring it back for myself .
6 I should not expect them back before late in the afternoon .
7 Do not send me back to Hanoi empty handed . ’
8 ‘ Why ? ’ she retorts , ‘ can we not give something back by doing our own work ? ’
9 The Government is taking the money , and it is not paying it back to the people of Wiltshire .
10 Lesley-Jane could not keep her back to the door indefinitely and turned .
11 His eyes narrowed ; then , stepping towards her and leaning his hands on the edge of the table , he said , ‘ You 're not holding anything back from me , are you ?
12 The surgeon instructed a patient not to bend her back after an operation .
13 Oh it 's it it 's on a it 's on erm it 's on a plate so you er I do n't mind I 'm , you know I do n't mind not getting it back for the next month .
14 She tried , bitterly , to resist this fatal colouring ; she tried to reduce the trip to words upon a notice board ; but the mind had gone its own way , and she could not force it back into its grey and natal landscape .
15 She could not take him back to America with her , he could not take her home .
16 John Herschel in his Preliminary Discourse ( 1830 ) for the Cabinet Cyclopedia urged that while astronomers can deal with the orbits of the planets in the solar system , their inductions can not take them back to its creation .
17 Seeing the mist that deepened the dark grey of her eyes , the pale translucent cheeks , both so beautiful now in their glowing copper setting , it was all Benedict could do not to snatch her back into the heat of his embrace , and force his way to that intimate deep caress , the thought of which now fired him with passionate yearning .
18 ‘ Why not put it back in the bag and say nothing ?
19 Years later , 1948 tourist Doug Ring , speaking at a dinner , thanked George Tribe for not making it back for that crucial pre-tour season .
20 Her royal plane , she explained , could not get her back to Sandringham that early December night because of bad weather .
21 I can conduct in front of the mirror , but if I was conducting an orchestra and something went wrong I could not put it back on the rails again . ’
22 ‘ I was out with Annsley one evening and I was giving him some stick about not putting something back into the game , ’ said Armstrong .
23 I 'm definitely not putting it back on today , but I will put it back on .
24 She had the few pounds from her wages ( and thank heaven she had not thrown it back in the vicar 's face ) .
25 Only then would he decide whether or not to take him back to our glorious green Earth .
26 The Panel decided in advance not to bring them back to Orkney for the Hearing .
27 Which member of the SDP 's ‘ Gang of Four ’ did n't make it back to the House of Commons at any time in 1983 ?
28 But on the trial flight ( June 24 , 1979 ) , the aeroplane ran out of fuel and Mike did n't make it back to the runway .
29 Sometimes one of them did n't make it back to base , or camp , or whatever they called it , and then one of his chums would pop along to tell the girlfriend .
30 The reason being that way back in 1990 the Leinster Division won the cup and its return to England was somewhat delayed , in fact , it did n't make it back in time for the 1991 competition when Western were the victors .
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