Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It does not make them feel he is one of them ; it merely makes them feel he has no longer any clout .
2 I was desperate enough to consider rushing round the table pretending to be Pumblechook 's carriage , but I could not make myself do it , and just stood there helplessly .
3 He had not heard them pass him ; he had been too intent on watching the singer .
4 She had not heard him approach her .
5 I 'm not helping you do it .
6 Why not let him think he 'd won the argument ?
7 ‘ Better not let him hear you say that , sir .
8 it sort of er er gave them lee a , ladies leeway who wanted to work after they were married , some married and then could they come back well they could n't keep me on and not let them work you see , so oh yes it was mostly married women , there were a lot of married women there when I left , but erm it sort of set a precedent I suppose for , for them but it did , it did them some good really .
9 I can guarantee that Wolstenholme has not seen anything like it before .
10 I 've not seen anything like it since I went to the cinema as a child . ’
11 That would have been rather But I come out here but I can not see you know you can just just get them I seen some in that
12 He swung his leg over the saddle , rocked the bike off its stand and balanced it with his legs while she put on the helmet , tugged on the huge gloves and tried not to let him know she was panicking .
13 She was determined not to let him know he still had the power to make her feel anything at all .
14 She flushed and tried not to let him rile her .
15 Cornelius had heard tell of bastards and how , if you ever met any , you should be careful not to let them grind you down .
16 She chose not to let them know she had proof this was a deception .
17 They were hidden away , and people tried not to let anyone see them .
18 He had shared a bed in the mean inns along the way and preferred not to let anyone know he was a woman .
19 It 's naughty of your mother not to let you have them
20 She tried not to let it unnerve her .
21 ‘ As long as it 's later , ’ he remarked with cheerful optimism , ‘ I 'll try not to let it worry me . ’
22 Not letting her see me of course .
23 I told her I 'll do my own thing , I 'm not letting them do it for me .
24 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
25 ‘ That 's why I 'm not letting you take me to the airport . ’
26 ‘ He would not let me tend it properly before , stubborn man that he — ’
27 ‘ Do not let me persuade you against your will , now .
28 PAMELA : [ aside ] Now I begin to know too well why all his hard trials of me and my black apprehensions would not let me hate him .
29 Do not let me discommode you none , Miz Scarlett , I 'm sure !
30 ‘ Look , ’ she said quickly , ‘ why not let me get you a drink ?
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