Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [verb] [Wh det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Conservative Members do not want to hear what a former Conservative leader has to say .
2 The hon. Gentleman is trying to disrupt my speech because he does not want to hear what the country wants to know .
3 If the only way to give the drama momentum is to allow through ( 1 ) an emergence of crude competition between the teacher and pupils or through the even cruder ‘ I 'm the baddy not to be trusted ’ approach of ( 4 ) , then she may have to abandon altogether her intention to open up ( 2 ) , the recognition by the townsfolk that here is an official who can not know and indeed who does not want to know what the cost of this decision will be to those of us who are faced with it .
4 In Brutus v. Cozens , the House declined to attempt to define what is meant by insulting , and later courts have not sought to do what the House would not , although they have sought to give guidance as to what the term might mean .
5 But Det Chief Supt Barry Stewart , head of Northumbria CID , said : ‘ We are treating the incident as a crime but I would not like to say what the nature of the crime is at this stage . ’
6 I would not like to think what the wrong type would do to , say , the bacteria in your filter !
7 He does not begin to describe what the effect was on Russia of by-passing the Reformation , the Counter-reformation and the Enlightenment ; instead , in an effort to be friendly , he mentions things Russian from time to time .
8 In my wildest imaginings , I could not have foreseen what a wonderful life lay before me .
9 St Paul was not ‘ ordained ’ — and would not have known what the term connoted .
10 All this has profoundly affected those who teach RE in both primary and secondary schools , some of whom really do not seem to know what the subject is about .
11 I do not pretend to know what the ethics committee would say about that .
12 With the growth that seems likely over the next few years one can not help asking what the future holds .
13 Mrs Laughton resigned with much regret , saying as she went that Orkney Islands Council did n't appear to know what the role of the Reporter to the Children 's Panel should be , and determined to make her concerns public .
14 He did n't like to ask what the infection was .
15 I would n't like to say what the impact will be on my business
16 Dear me , I do n't like to think what the end might be .
17 Excitement making her voice hoarse , Luce asked , ‘ You do n't happen to know what the man 's name was , do you ? ’
18 You would n't have believed what a bright and with-it little woman she was when I first started here . ’
19 ‘ It was the first time I did n't have to worry what the other girls were gon na think , what anyone was gon na think and if I do n't like what happens I can cut it out …
20 He did n't pretend to know what the market would be .
21 And I ca n't help realising what a strain we must be on you . "
22 But I ca n't help wondering what the owners do with all that spare time in the winter , when they could be making our sandwiches and drying off our boots by the fire .
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