Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 Conservative Members do not want to hear what a former Conservative leader has to say .
2 The Good Retirement Guide is not designed to offer you a ready-made philosophy or a few rose-tinted blueprints on the theme ‘ Life Begins in Middle Age ’ .
3 ‘ I was struck by two things — the refusal of battered victims to give in to despair , those who could not speak gave me a thumbs up , and the insistence of sorrowing parents and girlfriends that ‘ we 'll never let them win ’ , ’ he said .
4 Yeah , I mean that 's not going to miss us a particular slot in the in the publication .
5 ‘ Any damages are not going to give her a holiday in the Caribbean . ’
6 But Corden , mindful that in football a firm show of boardroom backing so often heralds managerial upheaval , said : ‘ I 'm not going to give him a vote of confidence ! ’
7 So that when we have the thing that he calls an annual review and I call a pain in the neck , I do n't actually have to put in very much work to come up with the fact that no , I 'm not going to give him a salary increase , erm , because I have his , his performance , you know , already researched throughout the year .
8 I sure hope you 're not going to give me a hard time after I just travelled three thousand miles to see you , ’ Donna said , her eyes crinkling as she gave Alex another bear hug .
9 I am not going to give you a list of Reasons to Be Cheerful .
10 I am not going to give you a series of " how to do it " lessons .
11 ‘ I mean , ’ said Mounce , ‘ I 'm not going to give you a lot of crap about being pure as the driven snow myself .
12 Mum said that as a Christian She was not going to write me a note when there was n't anything wrong with me and that I was to remember that we Christians are the light of the world .
13 Democrats are hence navigating , as one of them put it , between the Scylla of not wishing to undercut Mr Bush 's diplomacy and the Charybdis of not wishing to give him a blank cheque .
14 It was a joke really , because if she was one of the male officers then she would not have given it a second thought .
15 ‘ They were always totally supportive of the company and the publicity from the Embassy could not have given us a better boost or image . ’
16 In my wildest imaginings , I could not have foreseen what a wonderful life lay before me .
17 And while she might not have done herself a lot of favours over the last five years , it has to be concluded that she is better getting out while the going 's still good .
18 The nearest neighbours of Ben Nevis , Carn Mor Dearg and Aonach Beag , both have summits above the 4000 mark ; to another of the group , Aonach Mor , the Ordnance Survey rather churlishly ascribes a height of 3999 only , a tribute to their meticulous accuracy but a pity they could not have permitted themselves a slight error of twelve inches .
19 Do not try to give yourself a head start by dieting earlier than you should .
20 He possibly through guilt at not stopping to give her a lift , though she had n't asked .
21 If he does this easily enough we probably would not bother to call it a " problem " , but in a sense it is .
22 ‘ I mean , my dear Laura , that , since you are married to me — and I do not intend to give you a divorce — any question of your remarriage to anyone else simply does n't arise ! ’
23 What is more , you are not permitted to marry , and you know it ; yet you let me spend money I could not afford to buy you a ring .
24 Furthermore W. 's foster parents indicated at about this time that if W. were discharged they could not continue to offer her a home .
25 You 'd have to be daft not to want to give it a go .
26 If you had n't stopped to give me a lift this morning , I 'd still be shuffling along the road to Tangiers . ’
27 ‘ I just do n't fancy tackling her a third time . ’
28 D I did n't want to give him a false impression .
29 No , he did n't want to give her a rose , or a spoon , or a baby .
30 Now , I do n't want to give you a boring lesson about the markets of the day , suffice to say that in 1520 hard cash was rare , most of it being tied up in fields , lands and houses , so it was natural for people like Ralemberg to tout for business .
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