Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 As the discussion of the previous chapter would suggest , their objectives do not arise ready made in response to some supposed ‘ needs ’ of the accumulation process ; they emerge out of the complex interplay within the state of organized political interests .
2 But , like observers of cricket , we must not become so engrossed in our analysis of the statistics of the game that we lose sight of the fundamental issues of strategy .
3 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
4 Unlike the wasp , a honey bee 's sting is barbed in such a way that it can not retract once buried in its victim .
5 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
6 The question remains as to whether British policy-makers can fairly argue that by fighting ‘ from within ’ , although they may not have entirely succeeded in limiting the battleground to issues of trade and markets , they have nevertheless ensured that the economic policy itself has pointed in the right direction .
7 Well , suppose we were not sitting here engaged in a job of work .
8 You raised a very , very significant issue that I have n't heard much addressed in recent days and we know that there has n't really been a super power of the Soviet Union and any other military sense for the last couple of years .
9 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
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