Example sentences of "[adv prt] by [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I wo n't bore you all with the technical details ; suffice it to say that the alloy truss rod previously fitted to Warwick basses just is n't man enough for the job — a classic case of a nice design let down by choice of materials .
2 Please do not leave the board mounted OS map on the wall , prop it down by table between cushions — sounds dotty but I hope it will keep it dryer rather than being against damp wall .
3 Citizens , whipped up into a fervour of indignation , simply stopped doing as they were told : started bringing horses noisily in by night for deliveries , not washing the sidewalks and so forth , just for the hell of it .
4 For many reasons they often lack the superficial selfconfidence of men , especially if they have been tied up by domesticity for years .
5 These may be followed up by agreement between members and the College some time after the programme .
6 diverting attention from his hopelessness , while helping the group to support him vis-a-vis the child to be helped — not by recounting their own success stories but by recognising what support potential he might already have , buried as it was but ready to be drawn out by support from others .
7 He totted up the number of points according to guidelines worked out by Denplan with categories from A to E. In my case , the extent of dental work meant I scored 158 points , putting me in the most expensive category , E.
8 The lucky ones , once established in their new home will remain there for the rest of their lives unless driven out by force of numbers .
9 So their credit policies were not generally held back by balance of payments considerations .
10 WITHOUT BREAKING YARN , come back along the row , continuing to knit stitches 1 and 6 by hand and casting on by e-wrap over stitches 2,3,4 and 5 .
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