Example sentences of "[adv prt] with [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Some European banks have opened branches and acquired local US banks to give them a stake in a country committed to free enterprise and profit , along with access to the domestic dollar market .
2 Good tactics , whether planned or not — the more gentry were pinned down here , the fewer were left to muster the Volunteers or ride off with news to the Deputies at Blairgowrie .
3 This level should , Leathart advised , be pushed on with speed to the Great Cross-course , and then on to the second fault , seen in the northern end of Fleming 's , which had cut off the vein , and there to institute a search .
4 Furthermore , as Tony Prosser has recently pointed out with reference to the Child Poverty Action Group 's ( CFAG 's ) social welfare test cases , there is always the danger that ‘ successful test cases which threaten established policy , especially by increasing expenditure , will meet with quick nullification by legislative or administrative action ’ ( Prosser , 1983 , p. 74 ) .
5 There had been the usual time-consuming , wearying and slightly acrimonious preliminaries to the setting up of the new squad in C1 and already his mind was reaching out with relief to the solitary contemplation of alabaster effigies , sixteenth-century glass and the awesome decorations of Winchfield .
6 A great deal of research has been carried out with respect to the effects of ageing on physical and mental capacities .
7 If we consider Out with respect to the conception of metaphor examined above , the desperate sputterings of the main character can be seen as active or ‘ verbal ’ in their metaphoric function : his discourse mobilizes and metaphorizes all others and has only tenuous links with any reality outside its field of operation .
8 At least they were n't specifically sarky about the Liverpool connection which , as well as providing music and lyrics , also helped out with advice to the islanders on how to gamble with their fortune .
9 Full of wine , afterwards , Paul did not go back with Chase to the lodging .
10 One PC complained at length to a sergeant that the ‘ ground ’ where they both worked had become much quieter ; he looked back with nostalgia to the old days when the ground was much ‘ harder ’ and ‘ you could literally be strolling past a pub and a bloke would come staggering out with a knife in his back … ’
11 Then we parted , I went on and she went back with Blazer to the stable yard .
12 His mind flew back with ease to the last war and an up-and-coming young officer on a smoke-belching dread-nought at Jutland .
13 I valued his judgement highly , and look back with pleasure to the several visits I made to him-and his equally delightful wife Elizabeth at their cottage in Cambridge where he was a fellow of Churchill College .
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