Example sentences of "[adv prt] to the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 The tough rugby player at first put the pain of his acute appendicitis down to the after-effects of his stag night .
2 Although marketing is done centrally , the success of a franchise is also down to the efforts of the franchisee in drumming up business .
3 It may in part be a function of the teacher 's own practices , and when this is so an analysis of his or her use of time , from the broad organizational strategies right down to the minutiae of moment-to-moment interactions with the children , could help both in creating more time and in making for a more effective and efficient context for learning .
4 And he exults , like Richard III , in his abilities in deception , which have indeed supplanted his real self : It is difficult for a modern audience , which has lost that sense of reverence attaching to ‘ service ’ that animated Renaissance society , from the glorification of the vita activa down to the duties of bondsmen and tenants , to appreciate fully the shock that these self-revelations would have had .
5 At that moment ‘ a white light shone forth like a sword ’ from Gandalf , as many people see ‘ the light that shone ’ round Éowyn and Faramir as they come down to the Houses of Healing .
6 When both worked , it was down to the skills of the two drivers and there seemed very little to distinguish them .
7 We can therefore make repeated use of unc unc to shift the declaration VARy down to the leaves of P' .
8 They get tight down to the bones of things .
9 By necessity my beauty routine is pared down to the basics of cleansing , toning and moisturising .
10 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
11 As Francis Bacon , the patron saint of the scientific method , wrote four centuries ago , ‘ The Universe is not to be narrowed down to the limits of our understanding — rather the understanding must be stretched and enlarged to take in the image of the Universe as it is discovered . ’
12 At first she thought it was like a watch-tower , because the roof sloped down to the tops of the two windows , making them the most important things .
13 The course is bisected by the border between England and Wales and though , technically , Woosnam was born in Shropshire , he is a Welshman down to the tips of the spikes on his golf shoes .
14 right down to the tips of your fingers .
15 The gold of summer faded off Gabriel 's skin , grew down to the tips of his hair , and on days when the wind blew , he shivered at the top of his ladder like a flag at a mast-head , his long shirt billowing full of cold air .
16 In a fast sweep her eyes ran from the top of his dark head down to the tips of his elegant feet , and she bit back a groan as she realised that that tempting glimpse of his body had done nothing to prepare her for Luke Calder in the magnificent flesh .
17 Again I put it down to the stresses of presenting a live programme five days a week .
18 He glanced uncomfortably at Andy , who had blond ringlets down to the shoulders of his fringed buckskin jacket .
19 It can only be put down to the ravages of drink ’ .
20 Venture capitalists like to keep close tabs on their investments , going down to the offices of the fledging chief executive officers once a week , putting their feet up on the desk and playing father confessor .
21 At dawn on the morning of his twelfth birthday — in the official court annals his thirteenth , for they accorded with ancient Han tradition in calling the day of the child 's birth its first ‘ birth day ’ — Li Yuan was woken by his father and , when he was dressed in the proper clothes , led down to the stables of the Tongjiang estate .
22 The next steps will be concerned with getting down to the details of research itself , and emphasis will be placed on problems of field research .
23 Its fossils have been investigated by cutting them into thin slices , a technique that has revealed a great deal about its anatomy , even down to the details of the structure of its blood vessels .
24 This certainly overstates the situation , but there is no doubt that party leaders in Parliament like to keep a free ( and vague ) policy hand , and in their speeches and campaigning around election time they are more likely to attack opponents and invoke positive symbols than to get down to the specifics of their own party programmes .
25 The grounds lie at the foot of the south Antrim hills , and the land fronting the main buildings slopes down to the shores of Belfast Lough .
26 The grounds lie at the foot of the south Antrim hills , and the land fronting the main buildings slopes down to the shores of Belfast Lough .
27 Instead of being critical , adversarial or even sceptical , the media should bow down to the needs of the country so as to encourage development across all sectors .
28 In a separate study which Jenkins and Sherman quote , from the Institute of Manpower Studies at the University of Sussex , the estimate was that for there to be enough jobs created to keep unemployment down to the levels of the mid-1970s there would need to be growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) averaging 3.5 per cent per annum in the UK .
29 A world leader with the security industry is actually going down to the levels of the one man and a dog outfit .
30 How is it that police forces such as Lothian and Borders are this year reporting crime rates back down to the levels of 1981 ?
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