Example sentences of "[adv prt] to [art] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 If you lose the same amount of money for a second year you 're down to a position where one small slip would take the business into insolvency .
2 Sometimes it is necessary to wait as long as two years before the upheaval and upset dies down to a level where you are really ready to cope again .
3 Somehow , in a little over 100 years , science has let its hard-won reputation be whored down to a point where its priests might as well be selling chocolate or cars .
4 The match was moved three sections down to a stretch where carp would not figure quite so much .
5 Now , curved raised bed surround the garden , built in red brick paving , with steps down to an area where a table and chairs catch all the available sun .
6 ‘ The main issue for us is to close the gap and we have now brought our discount rate down to the level where the highest anybody pays is 3.95 per cent . ’
7 Kate knew it was no good resisting , so she meekly allowed him to shepherd her out of the flat down to the basement where he kept his car .
8 It was Edna , my nursemaid , who used to take me down to the beach where we lived .
9 Nearing the Sandaig River , which rushes down from the mountains and passes beneath the road to enter the Sound , gated forest roads lead down to the beach where Gavin Maxwell had a cottage he called Camusfearna and wrote his world best-seller about his life there with the sea otters he admitted to his home as companions .
10 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
11 Dead graptoloids simply drifted down to the bottom where they were preserved by dark muds at a depth at which there was little oxygen in the water to support bottom-dwelling organisms .
12 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
13 But when he got down to the streets where we live he said , ‘ If people want a cleaner Britain , they can start with their own street and their own neighbourhood ’ .
14 I enrolled for ‘ Art for Beginners ’ and later went down to the centre where the tutor had obtained a model for us from whom to do quick sketches — so I was in at the deep end .
15 It was the focal point of the room , and whenever visiting dignatories and military authorities came to visit Aubagne they would be taken down to the crypt where they would stand and salute the hand .
16 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
17 Blooming great fine statue of p and then you went down to the road where the Wolferton .
18 This charming villa was spacious and comfortably furnished with a well-stocked library ; the large garden ran down to the lake where there was both a motor boat and a sailing boat .
19 She reached down to the floor where her candle stood , and when she 'd groped for the matches , which proved , as always , astonishingly difficult to locate , she lit it .
20 Clem , go down to the cottage where Anna 's staying .
21 ‘ Hey , Ellen ! ’ the doctor shouted down to the galley where Ellen was trying to disguise the fact that the frozen steaks were being thawed in a microwave .
22 He bowed , kissed her hand , and led her down to the courtyard where their carriage waited .
23 They drove us as far as the mud roads would allow in the royal land-rover , and down to the bay where a pearl-oyster hatchery was being tried for the first time ; and at night there were more festivities , and endless delectable maidens vying for our attentions …
24 He looked down to the gallery where the Santerres now stood outside the hall door .
25 On the right side the hedgerow ran parallel with the road as it sloped away down to the crossroads where we had had so much trouble yesterday .
26 Just before getting in the trucks , I had wandered down to the rooms where the crippled legionnaires lived .
27 Condom culture extends right down to the kindergarten where games of ‘ Aids tag ’ are now occurring .
28 Sam and Duncan McCrea raced down to the street where Lou Collins had left a CIA car should the listeners in the apartment need transport .
29 The locker doors above and behind the cooker hinge down to the horizontal where they form useful trays with fiddled edges .
30 They walked side by side , not touching , down to the corner where Steep Street began .
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