Example sentences of "[adv prt] to [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 This is fully tax relievable in the employer 's hands so the liability nets down to £3,393 for the employer .
2 Catch a bus from the Lamb Inn down to Seaside for the shopping precincts .
3 I 'm coming down to leeds for the Man City match in about 3 weeks time .
4 Hazel did not come down to London for the weekend .
5 ‘ And the times for you getting down to London for the attack on Oliver , if you include the times you — or whoever — were seen in the toilets at Tottenham Court Road , are looking very tight ; there was a delay on all the flights from Edinburgh into Heathrow that day … makes it impossible , really . ’
6 Thought we might go down to Grafton for the Old Boys ’ match against the first XI .
7 I travelled down to Gateshead for the big meeting there , Great Britain versus the Commonwealth , and was witness to one of the most amazing come-backs in British sprinting history made by , who else , that old war-horse Allan Wells .
8 The Cheshires received medals from commanding officer down to sergeant for the courage and leadership they displayed during their harrowing tour of duty in Bosnia .
9 The glut of tries came to an abrupt halt when the party flew in to Sydney for the New South Wales game .
10 ‘ There was nothing confidential about it : it was a bright idea some Americans had for setting up training courses — that sort of thing — for their businessmen and other people coming over to Britain for the first time .
11 Large portions of the Education Bill are given over to procedures for the creation and financing of grant maintained schools , a cornerstone of government policy .
12 There were many meetings and much paperwork to ensure the availability of petrol , oil , tools and crew to take over to Newfoundland for the attempt .
13 ‘ Anyway , ’ she said , ‘ we went over to Corsica for the marriage and that 's when things started to go wrong .
14 In 1978 , I went over to France for the final day of the parliamentary elections , expecting to stay up for most of the night as one would in the UK .
15 The ‘ abominable army ’ of fashion editors ( trailing clouds of Benenden they came ) who could not write , nipped over to Deauville for the weekend , often wearing dark specs to hide the bags under their eyes , while Jane converted their illegible notes into copy .
16 She hoped the departure would be as early as possible so that she and Joshua could go over to Leeds for the birth of their first grandchild .
17 The next morning , after Master had gone off to school for the day , Sergeant decided to pay a visit to Riverbank to see his new friend Anabelle Hedgehog .
18 By the time I was ten , Granpa allowed me to lay out the morning wares on the barrow before going off to school for the day .
19 WE 'RE off to Paris for the richest race in Europe , the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe on Sunday October 4 .
20 Well , it looks as though the Queen Mother is off to Scotland for the day , but that wo n't affect us , so it seems that we can go ahead .
21 I told him we were heading off to France for the weekend .
22 Another local family off to Aintree for the big day are the Lees from Byton in Herefordshire .
23 Yes , I told the old man at the gate — a sure method of propagating the lie — I was off to Hydra for the week-end .
24 About 60 members and their friends are heading off to Whitehead for the day and anyone who would like to join them should contact Billy ( tel Belfast 423740 ) for further details .
25 evening and they 'll be off to Glasgow for the weekend
26 I tell you I do n't , did n't realise that er Paul and Charlene have said er they can move in by June the second all you 've got ta do is dump everything in there then bugger off to Malaya for the summer and sort out when he gets back !
27 Lloyd 's of London is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for the safe return of the objects or information leading to their recovery .
28 After the new student experiences his first free sparring fight , he returns to his daily training with an intensified ardour , determined to correct his shortcomings in order to get his fighting application up to standard for the next sparring session .
29 EVERTON are to carry out over £2.5 million worth of work on a Goodison Park facelift in an effort to bring the stadium up to standard for the 1996 European Championships .
30 One of the boys was Charlie , who 'd bothered to turn up to school for the first time in weeks .
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