Example sentences of "[adv prt] a rather [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The preliminaries on this occasion extended over a rather lengthy period and so the 150 or so guests were in pretty good form when we eventually sat down to one of the best ‘ function type ’ meals that I have ever enjoyed .
2 My first memory is of falling off a rather high bed at the age of three years on the evening that my parents had moved into a house near the top of Hampstead Heath , and of my Father going off on his bicycle to search for a doctor as I had cut my head .
3 The whole jape took on a rather serious complexion when the police refused to accept that it was all a joke .
4 SIR — Your headline ‘ Kohl criticises Turkey ’ ( April 3 ) takes on a rather special meaning for those who realise that kohl in German means cabbage .
5 We carried on a rather halting conversation and it came to me with a bump that my mind had been forced on to different tracks since I had left her .
6 But it was felt though , that it was necessary to support the document in order to clear up a rather unsatisfactory situation er , where we 're holding sectional and delegate conferences that do n't have remits and guidelines er , which can clarify their position .
7 Eventually , I ended up a rather poor student , so my games were very limited .
8 And they both er wave to the crowds , both sets of players and taken a round of applause as the two captains are out there , and there are plenty of cameras , including video cameras er almost obstructing my view and er I hope that gentleman is er going to take up a rather better position from my point of view because we want to see the er performances of the two teams .
9 Throughout the 1960s , politicians kept up a rather futile polemic as to whether the General cared about anything except foreign affairs .
10 ‘ Is this all you 're putting on the Christmas cake this year ? ’ asked Mark , picking up a rather battered-looking plaster Father Christmas .
11 You might find one in tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands , but even he will turn out a rather feeble specimen . ’
12 The immense build-up made it impossible to find a decent anchor and , having stamped out a rather unstable stance , I had to settle for a couple of drive-ins in a clod of frozen turf .
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