Example sentences of "[adv prt] a [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The massacre occurred at night after President Alan Garcia ordered the security forces to put down a co-ordinated rebellion in three jails by prisoners associated with the Maoist guerrilla movement , Sendero Luminoso , on the eve of a Socialist International congress here .
2 This went through some crises , as when the Americans dispatched marines to put down a left-wing government in the British island of Grenada in 1984 , without communicating their intentions to the British government .
3 Toller 's six-year-old ran a cracker on his reappearance , throwing down a strong challenge in the last two furlongs of Newmarket 's Earl of Sefton Stakes before finding Ezzoud and Cloud of Dust just too strong .
4 Karen Young 's glamorous looks would make her a role model for actress Helen Mirren who tracked down a serial killer in the hit series .
5 This laid down a future programme in which , among the many proposals , they called for Burma 's recognition within the family of nations and admission to the UN , and finally ‘ the establishment of a sovereign state in the very near future ’ .
6 In 1992 the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a hate-crime ordinance in St Paul , Minnesota , that was invoked after a cross-burning .
7 One of these walks used to take them down a narrow side-street in a busy part of London .
8 This means people with As at A-level , first class or good 2.1 honours degree , first time passes in chartered accountancy , or graduates who 've held down a managerial post in industry and done an MBA .
9 Bridal Gown It 's that time of the month : Gladwell 's debut collection evokes the cyclical nature of womanhood , throwing down a bloodied gauntlet in the shape of these gripping stories and essays
10 I did hold down a responsible job in my last post , ’ she said .
11 I remember once when she was climbing into bed in her Waaf-issue blue striped pyjamas , a cheeky little field mouse popped up from between her sheets where it had evidently been nesting , and streaked across the hut to disappear down a convenient crack in the wooden wall .
12 There are plans to bring in a similar scheme in Oxford — it 's going to cost eighteen million pounds and take five years .
13 The prime reason for bringing in a new constitution in 1937 was the return to dominance of the republican grouping , the side which had lost the civil war , and which had retained the intention of establishing a republic .
14 He ushered in a new era in the study of religion and of theology ; he brought a new conception of what the disciplined and ordered study of both could be ; he underlined in epoch-making fashion the importance of the subjective aspect of religious awareness , pointing to what lies deeper than intellectual formulations , yet is not reducible to inchoate and diffuse ‘ feelings ’ ; he attempted to grasp and express in an original and modern way the abiding significance of Jesus , and to uncover the living and personal meaning of what were in danger of being dismissed as merely the fossilised accretions of doctrine .
15 It ushered in a new era in the history of mankind , inaugurating the construction of socialism in an area covering one sixth of the globe .
16 While he mulled over his future , Rudd gradually sorted out the handling so that by July 1960 the Type 48 was good enough for Hill to put in a brilliant performance in the British Grand Prix , clawing his way into the lead after losing a third of a lap through stalling on the grid .
17 Even then , they would only put in a brief appearance in puddings and cakes at Thanksgiving and Christmas .
18 As we shook hands and started to walk along a narrow path in the direction of a few slit trenches , Tony remarked , ‘ Big change out here from the South Coast of England , or the wilds of Achnacarry !
19 To this extent , then , a photon feels the gravitational force and it can be argued that a photon should travel along a curved path in a gravitational field .
20 I then asked her to imagine that she was walking along a familiar street in her own neighbourhood .
21 I remember once feeling this when , walking along a suburban road in the half-light , I nearly stumbled over a bump in the ground .
22 Another time in the 1987 election we were driving along a dual carriageway in Norfolk heading for an airport to meet Mrs Thatcher 's plane and join up with the Battlebus .
23 This resulted in a substantial ozone change , with the column ozone reduced over a small area in mid-April to under 200DU , approaching the low values observed in recent years over Antarctica .
24 After a period as head of MGM UK , Korda reconstituted London films , bought and modernized studios at Shepperton , took over a controlling interest in the British Lion distribution company and purchased the Rialto Cinema in Leicester Square as his showcase .
25 Sun is chuckling over a recent robbery in Silicon Valley : seems the thieves broke into a place and ripped off five Sun workstation , bypassing the new HP 700s and using a 705 as a door stop .
26 And when Mick Stockwell slid over a low cross in the 73rd minute , Kiwomya was on hand to sidefoot it past goalkeeper Nigel Spink .
27 The introduction of the rabbit into Australia offered a classic illustration of how a species could take over a new environment in which there were no natural predators .
28 The story is largely made up of legendary motifs , biblical recollections and Christian hostility ; it is after all meant to explain how the Christians took over a Jewish synagogue in Antioch which preserved , according to another source , the mantle of Moses , the surviving fragments of the Law tables , the keys of the Ark and other treasures .
29 I moved from the window and stood over a gaping crack in the floorboards and listened hard .
30 This was no great problem for Mr Berge ; being cocky and confident comes naturally to him whether he is presiding over his other little empire , the Yves Saint Laurent fashion house , or standing over a gaping hole in credibility .
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