Example sentences of "[adv prt] and i do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I do it sort of a bit naturally , I mean if you , you know that what , the Delvine Hotel , I mean I sort of went in and I du n no sort of part way in I sort of said can I ask you if , you know , you 've had your other quotes and he sort of said yes we 're gon na sit down tonight and make our minds up
2 ‘ The reason I do n't have a band is that for the longest time I 've been disgusted with the mode that the American independent scene operates in and I do n't want to be associated with that .
3 and then you take your long end and you wind above covering the edge and overlapping and then the low , then covering the edge and overlapping , there and again you keep working your way up and down , a figure of eight until you get to the end of your bandage then tie away from the body in your reef knot , either you tuck your ends in or if that 's awkward you can just put a sticking plaster over the ends to get them out of the way like that , so just tuck the ends in and I do n't think your casualty 's going to need a sling for a little graze like that
4 ‘ Bell 's working , but there ai n't nobody in and I do n't know when anybody 'll be back .
5 Erm the only reason this is an issue that I get a cooking for as Research Process Manager anyway , as Audit Manager I need to have other booking forms , and the only booking forms and additional booking forms I need are all jobs which then got to Mrs which are the so I ask please make amendment to put Audit Manager in and I do n't think we need to specify .
6 This is the first time we 've had to do this interceptor cos I did n't even know it was in and I do n't think Dick did .
7 But he , he 's put some shelves in and I do n't need those shelves .
8 ‘ There was this group unity we had to have that I felt lost in and I did n't really relate to .
9 Well , see these are the ones that I sent in and I did n't think they would , they would agree with because they were duplicates unless they found the original .
10 And it 's something to do with getting the num the , the system so you 've got zeros in and I did n't understand what the heck it was on about .
11 And I was reading , I was n't even doing anything , I was just sitting reading and the teacher walked in and I did n't hear him .
12 Yes it goes like that , like you say , you know , it 's come in and I did n't have nothing to lose and things were going well , then there 's been a bit of a lull and erm like I say , we 've worked hard and we 've like with following in on this save earlier on .
13 I 've got that down and I do n't know what it says .
14 Er the heating had broken down and I do n't know whether it was because of the heating or because of the tablets or whatever but they 're , they 're alright now .
15 And erm we had him on two lots of antibiotics before he even had an anaesthetic to get the inflammation down and I do n't want it to get worse !
16 I just put the numbers I like down and I do n't know anything about football
17 Can I just say colleagues before you , you second the motion , there is this hubbub again that 's growing , I mean it seems to go down and I do n't know perhaps it 's like the tide but can we try and keep it a bit lower , especially when colleagues are trying to make a speech from the rostrum .
18 I must confess I gobbled the meat down and I did n't notice the bone until it was too late .
19 had a message saying the mailer was about to shut down and I did n't want to lose what I 'd typed in .
20 I just kept working harder and harder as I did n't want to let anyone down and I did n't believe I would pick up a drink again .
21 I did n't look it I just stood there apparently fucking splattered against the wall , dribbled down and I did n't fucking .
22 As far as I 'm concerned , the incident is over and I do n't want him meddling in our affairs . ’
23 I lay on my back thinking deliberately how lovely it would be when it was over and I did n't have to worry any more .
24 exercise some option to , to switch it over and I did n't need the cash at the time
25 I went straight over and I did n't get up for about ten minutes .
26 ‘ She thinks I do n't know what goes on and I do n't say anything .
27 and I remember doing my first , one of my first essays erm saying that I did n't think they were and all that they were erm was the fact that er er of and you said to me at the end that 's fine as far you 've argued it but I think you 'll change your views as you go on and I do n't know if I have .
28 I 've still got my glasses on and I do n't need them .
29 I 've just got the buttons to put on and I did n't have any wool and I thought what shall I start knitting , jumpers and things for school cos she starts the middle school in September
30 on and I did n't I said to him I 'll come and meet you a I said you can come to the hall cos that 's ever so light through there
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