Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er would you not say that this has shifted the onus of responsibility very much on to the financial institutions , the banks and others who had dealings with Mr Maxwell , and is n't the judge in effect saying in your interpretation er of that , that these institutions er really have got to show they were whiter than white in their dealings and actually went in and investigated him thoroughly ?
2 Soon as the royal visitor had gone , he called us in and told us never to do such a thing again .
3 Also , how would you feel if your bosses came in and told you suddenly that you can move to another firm ‘ if you want to ’ .
4 She went in and kissed him all over .
5 They came in and kissed her dutifully , with affection neither taken nor given ; Lilian , Clare , Olivia .
6 She slipped in and closed it very carefully .
7 Once , four girls were collecting shells when a big swell came in and swept them away .
8 She was trembling as she bent down and inserted it carefully into the left-hand drawer of the desk .
9 And he just — well , he just sort of sat down and wrote it straight off . ’
10 Ted had been a little belligerent at first but a couple of hints that Pascoe had seen him drinking in the Club earlier and an oblique reference to the breathalyser test had calmed him down and made him most co-operative .
11 In Britain booming domestic sales of videocassette machines have brought the prices down and made them more attractive to institutions .
12 One day my son Krono and I were there , too busy eating to watch for trouble , and a big bird came down and took him away . ’
13 Carter bowed down and lifted her effortlessly over his broad shoulder .
14 Jim jumped up and down and kissed me noisily on the cheek , shouting : " A goldmine , that 's what she is — a proper bloody goldmine ! "
15 I pulled her face down and kissed her gently on the lips .
16 She sat down and examined it minutely — spread it over her lap and investigated .
17 Anyway , he turned up at my house sometime later and , sure enough , I had n't finished it — so we sat down and did it together , along with a few others while we were in the mood . ’
18 She looked so utterly pathetic that I bent down and comforted her silently , stroking her hair , kissing her face .
19 Ruth asked as Fernando reached down and grasped her tightly round the wrist to haul her out of the swimming-pool .
20 Broken apart by force , the lid splintered , the box shed a handful of stones and a drift of dead leaves as he turned it upside down and shook it ruefully .
21 ‘ The police eventually came along and escorted him away , but other than everything else was fine .
22 Switching the engine off , he leaned over and kissed her again , and this time she was waiting for him , kissing him back with an inner longing .
23 Now he beckoned Cameron over and shook him formally by the hand .
24 He had rung for Baron , who came over and examined her briskly .
25 And er er I I could never understand why people that obviously could hear what went on and pretended they never .
26 Eventually he pulled her off and dragged her away by the scruff of her neck .
27 Very slowly she took the headphones off and laid them carefully on the table , her eyes never leaving Luke 's for a moment .
28 Too weak to resist , the young hidalgo lay quite passive , showing emotion only when Pascoe , on discovering a bronze agnus dei on a chain , wrenched it off and flung it overboard .
29 Well I had Mrs in this morning she had a tooth out this morning and he broke it and he tried to get the rest out you know using a special instrument and he twisted it and a fragment of the tooth come off and hit me straight in the eye .
30 Mrs Jones began to frame a feeble excuse for her , but he cut her off and shoved her roughly out of the way without losing his grip on Jo .
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