Example sentences of "[adv prt] of my [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No wonder we have always eaten as we have , she thought ; if nothing else comes out of my malaise I may at least learn how to cook in the spirit of the times .
2 Then , after about three months , I had got it all out of my system I suppose , and I actually turned down an invitation to a party in favour of staying in and washing some clothes !
3 Since everything seemed out of my reach I was reduced to making friends with the pigeons who were everywhere , and whose gentle murmurings I 'd grown accustomed to hearing .
4 Well the I have the about eleven and with the I would n't go out of my way them .
5 If I had had a car of my own I would have offered her a lift , however far out of my way it might have taken me .
6 Right get out of my class I told you to stop interrupting .
7 Get out of my hearing you
8 When the Arabic word would come roughly out of my mouth she 'd correct and correct — ‘ La , la ’ — ‘ No , no ’ — and would carefully mouth the right pronunciation .
9 ‘ Whenever I went out of my house I used to see any number of revolting things .
10 He said I pays my poll tax he says and I am paying out of my savings he said now what the heck will I do when my bloody savings is gone .
11 Straight after I got out of my car I went to Alain to apologise but he did n't want to accept .
12 ‘ The table I write on , I say , exists , that is , I see and feel it ; and if I were out of my study I should say it existed , meaning thereby that if I was in my study I might perceive it . ’
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