Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [noun] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 I think a good example to use with younger people with er pe with pensions as well is that the , the er the cutting down of funding that the government is making and it 's going to be hitting like the younger people and another important thing is like with the , with the Australia issue , I mean in Australia now it 's compulsory for everybody under the age of twenty five to have a personal pension and that r and that age rise is going to , that age limit is going to rise each time because they want to abolish the State pension completely and it was only , what , what about two months ago that there was , that there was er articles in I think it was The Times about them doing a similar operation in this country , you know ?
2 Unless the operation qualifies as a discontinued operation in the period under review , any write down of assets or the establishment of any provisions appear in the continuing operations category .
3 A mining bargain such as this might include the setting in of timbers though the mine might provide someone to do this work independently .
4 It was all over bar the peeling off of clothes and the mopping up of mascara .
5 The former group is largely made up of locals while the latter mainly comprises newcomers , but the class dimension is paramount .
6 The context for the drawing up of plans and the management of on-going change proved quite different .
7 Whatever the public disclaimers of those in authority , many of the mechanisms set up by the ERA seem to teachers to be specifically designed to reduce themselves as professional people to the status of paid servants , to leave them as little margin for discretion as possible and therefore to reduce ‘ curriculum management ’ to technical trivia : the drawing up of timetables and the efficient disbursement of limited resources .
8 The ‘ enterprise culture ’ , the opening up of markets and the need to survive competition all place businesses under great pressure .
9 They adopted a Krakow Declaration , stating that the three countries would act for union with a united Europe and that their security would best be served by integration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , and recognizing the dangers posed by the breaking up of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union .
10 The ability of the Bank to operate through such systems is largely through the historical building up of relationships and the ingrained tradition of the banks to accept such a system because of their desire to be watched over by ‘ one of their own ’ .
11 A major exhibition of Tibetan art opened at the Royal Academy on 18 September as reports are coming out of Tibet that the Chinese have recently completed the ‘ restoration ’ of the Dalai Lama 's Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa .
12 Word even came out of Tibet that the Odonata had been assisting at sky-burials , where corpses are left in sacred mountainous places for the attention of scavenger birds .
13 Will SSDs run out of money as the financial year progresses , as has been seen with the NHS reforms ?
14 In 1886 they ran out of money and the bank foreclosed .
15 IT IS bad enough having your birthday when everybody has run out of money and the spirit of giving is distinctly thin .
16 The builder ran out of money and the it was just a shell .
17 The Symphony may reveal an individual approach to instrumentation , but the melodic writing remains four-square , and some of the movements seem to run out of steam before the material has been fully explored .
18 A heavily advertised new launch can run out of steam when the level of advertising declines .
19 It suggests that the 26-year-old Ranger will be a bench man until such time as someone takes a knock , runs out of steam or the game has been won with some 20 minutes to go .
20 Barnsley 's John Mayock , who had been fancied possibly to go one better in Toronto than his silver in last year 's European Indoor Championships , ran out of steam as the pace hotted up in the 3,000m final , and could only finish sixth , in 7:54.41 , some four seconds behind Italian winner , Gennaro Di Napoli .
21 She and Phil Morris together had hit upon this virtue out of necessity since the machines could still print only one colour and new machinery for multi-coloured printing was much too expensive .
22 To the garage the beast and I unsafely struggled , a place straight out of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : Bad Karma Department .
23 Her mind swam in and out of sleep and the fire burned lower .
24 He added : ‘ It is clear the North-East is well set to lead the country out of recession and the UK , I believe , will be one of the countries that leads the world out of the recession . ’
25 ‘ Like the HBF we believe that the Government should target key sectors that can lead the economy out of recession and the housing market should be on the top of the list . ’
26 In the process he allegedly deleted an important file , landed the organisation with a multi-thousand pound bill and forced computer managers to take a crucial system out of service while the damage was repaired .
27 One of the four diesel generators that would power its computer controls in the event of a blackout was also out of service and the reactor was threatened with shut-down .
28 Light : Good light , but not too strong , as the plant will otherwise grow out of water and the whorls of leaves above water will drop off .
29 These bouts of manifesto madness , U-turns , and broken promises , not only frustrate business confidence but also lead to public disillusion so that authority dribbles out of government and the legitimacy of the overall system is called into question .
30 George Bromwell , of construction workers ' union UCAT , blasted the ‘ scandal of 300,000 building workers out of work when the homeless figure is an all-time record ’ .
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