Example sentences of "[adv prt] the [noun] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 You were going to take on the ones we had last time .
2 ‘ If things did n't carry on the way they have been , I would carry on enjoying my life .
3 There were no immediate changes , it went on from private enterprise , the changeover We were told at the time that we were just just to carry on the way we 'd been doing .
4 Carry on the way you 've been doing .
5 ‘ Come in , Master Clerk , ’ he called , throwing down the manuscript he had been studying .
6 Franco put down the glass he had been drying and wrapped the towel round his bare arm .
7 Lower down the page he had scribbled a quotation from Shelley : ‘ Life stains the white radiance of Eternity ’ .
8 ‘ Irish rugby is something special and down the years we 've proved we 're always capable of producing something like this . ’
9 ‘ Irish rugby is something special and down the years we 've proved we 're always capable of producing something like this . ’
10 Susan laid down the paper she had been reading , and with one gloved hand made a little peep-hole on the steamy window of the railway carriage .
11 He chuckled to himself , put down the cup he 'd been drinking the water from , wiped his lips .
12 Not only do most people find this tricky but you run the risk of forgetting how far down the list you have travelled .
13 The British Press habitually looks for an opportunity eventually to knock down the heroes they have created and placed on pedestals , if only to do something new .
14 J.D. had told her on her last visit , when she had handed in the column she had just read , that there had been a large number of letters about Vesta 's contribution and he would be publishing some of them in the next issue .
15 This involves breathing in the air you have just breathed out .
16 Cleo sighed , and opened her mouth to speak , but at that moment the door to the parlour creaked and Drago Dratslinger and his mistress brought in the meal they had prepared for their guests , and the talk turned to that of wood and spirits , of how to trap a wandering soul .
17 The N.C. O. handed over the papers he had brought and after clicking his heels and saluting went back into the station without looking at me .
18 If you open you 've got gangs of young lads patrolling the town , even with whips and if they get over the door you 've had it .
19 If you open you 've got gangs of young lads patrolling the town , even with whips and if they get over the door you 've had it .
20 ‘ Keep my script and look over the scene we 've blocked .
21 It took several layers of slightly thinned fold acrylic paint to get the effect I wanted , then , as the final touch , I worked over the parts I have previously painted red , now visible only as a dull tonal value within the fold , using well thinned films of the different pearlescent colours .
22 The truth of the matter was that even before she had agreed to take over the club she had been plagued more and more by a feeling that she had done all she could do in the music business .
23 The deal provokes further speculation that Rowland is preparing the way for a successor to take over the group he has led for 30 years .
24 In the fifteen months Since Paul and Wayne took over the roles they 've seen the audience grow and get younger with children as young as four who 've seen the repeats joining the audience …
25 If you go over the limit you have to pay duty on the excess when you go through customs .
26 Huy handed over the fee she had demanded .
27 Mathers twisted his head to pull off the bite he 'd taken ; he chewed for a while .
28 Howard is wearing a very pale grey suit , with a pale blue shirt and a white silk tie , to set off the suntan he has acquired in the country .
29 And to pay off the mortgage they 've got to charge so much
30 Money was a problem because I 'd spent all the dosh I 'd got for the car , and I needed my grant to pay off the overdraft I 'd built up .
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