Example sentences of "[adv prt] into a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly he was in the enemy 's trench and staring down into a young German 's eyes , a terrified boy even younger than himself .
2 As he reached it , the ground fell away from under him and he rolled down into a deep ditch .
3 As she held the cup of tea to her mouth , she felt herself tumble down into a deep well .
4 And the little goblin followed Yanek up the mountain until they reached a high , lonely place where a waterfall ran down into a deep pool .
5 They drive down into a dry watercourse and are surrounded by hundreds of cattle returning from their grazing , driven by children and young warriors .
6 There will be other forms of contingency strategy , where home care spending — perhaps up to one-third of the overall allocation — is deliberately held back until the residential and nursing home spend settles down into a recognisable pattern .
7 Having completed the very demanding annual Personal Weapons Test , each section member was required to run up a plank of wood to a window-frame , shoot at a target on the other side of the window , and then throw himself six feet down into a simulated building interior .
8 He ran from end to end of the yard and paused as he came back to the edge of the fire to peer down into a shattered mirror .
9 A pair of grey-backed crows — hooded crows — flew across the track , and then , as the Land-Rover topped the rise and started down into a narrowing glen , a buzzard soared up in leisurely circles , to be lost over the crest of the moor .
10 The wooden stairs led down into a narrow corridor illuminated by a single naked bulb dangling at the end of a piece of frayed flex .
11 His room was on the first floor of the college , looking down into a narrow street that ran beside it .
12 It can involve redrawing the work to show a different scale of projection , or breaking it down into a general drawing or a series of drawings .
13 Within the broad categories of usage above , the applications broke down into a wide range of tasks .
14 He used to bring these tubs down into a long turnout .
15 I fingered a few and then picked out a shiny foil bag that folded neatly down into a tiny pack .
16 Two wyverns fell on the same night and after the Emperor 's death the aerial attacks gradually subsided and the siege settled down into a protracted stalemate .
17 We slipped down into a small crater .
18 At Beni Suef we got down into a dusty twilight .
19 Through fences and barb-wire , over the top of a rocky hill , and down into a hidden valley .
20 There are high ceilings , tall windows , moulded cornices and a splendid original staircase with a mahogany handrail sweeping down into a carved lion 's head .
21 Along one of its sides the swastika meander breaks down into a confused key pattern .
22 Benny was shoved down into a leather-covered chair in an office carved from the living rock .
23 We were looking down into a little valley like a green cup in the hills .
24 I had naively imagined that marriage would magically obliterate the origins of the wealth we shared , melting Dennis 's laboriously acquired treasures down into a common heap of anonymous gold .
25 put the song down into a physical form , as described above , and send it to yourself by REGISTERED POST .
26 The sun spangled on the water as it went down into a red wrack of clouds .
27 Abercrombie and fellow practitioners who prepared plans for the reconstruction of British cities after the war , and planning officers up and down the country who drew up the first batch of development plans after 1948 , worked to a common assumption : once the new urban land use pattern had been established , city form and structure would settle down into a steady state .
28 They left the deserted house , the old manservant locking the door behind them , and went down into a deserted Cheapside .
29 The south side of the cut dips down into a beautiful hollow of vines , all but the lowest locations being ideally situated .
30 The initial alarm that had swept over her in the apartment had now settled down into a tight knot of almost sick apprehension , which lay like heavy lead deep in her stomach .
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